"Fancy some drinks?" Lilian asked. I grimaced and shook my head.

"Can't buy, we're only seventeen," I said, nodding my head towards Diana. She nodded in agreement but Lilian stood up anyways.

"Don't worry, I'll buy. Turned eighteen few months ago." She winked and walked towards the bar.

"At least she's good for something," Dee muttered. I slapped her arm and smiled.

"Oi, don't be mean. She's a nice bird." I laughed. Diana raised a brow and looked at something behind me.

"Yeah, looks like Paul thinks so too." She nodded her head forward and I turned around. The boys looked like they just got off the stage for a break, and they started for us. Paul's eyes followed Lillian as she walked in front of them with three beers in her hand. The everlasting eye contact between me and Paul every time we saw each other was missing.

"He can shag whoever he wants." I shrugged, taking some hefty gulps of the beer Lilian just set down. Diana gave me a weary, knowing look before snapping her head to John, who had just threw a penny down her shirt.

"John!" She screeched, fishing it out before tossing it at his head.

"Oi! Ya can't take pennies out of the fountain, my wish won't come true!" He argued loudly. Diana gave him an incredulous look. I rolled my eyes and reached over Lilian to take Paul's fight out of his hand before taking a puff.

"Bugger off, John. You're an incredible wanker," I stated, blowing smoke out at him. He scrunched up his pointy nose and pointed at Diana.

"Your' Diana stole my bloody wish," John yelled. Pete rolled his eyes at him, young George smirked faintly, Stu was gazing at me from behind his sunglasses, Diana was oozing with annoyance, Lilian was giggling at Paul, and Paul was eating up the attention from her and clearly thinking with his dick.

"My Diana would never." I gave John a sarcastic smirk, patting Diana on the hand.

"Her Diana would gladly kick your fuckin'-" George cut Diana off by tapping her shoulder.

"If John throws anymore coins down the fountain, I'd gladly get it out for you." George winked. Diana looked at him with a mixture of shock and amusement before slapping his arm.

I tried to ignore the whispers coming from Paul and Lilian. I could see Paul glancing at me every other second as if to see if I was watching. Frankly, I could see the boredom in his droopy eyes as he talked to Lilian. What the hell was he doing?

I finally looked at him with an emotionless expression. His eyes were already on me and he raised an arrogant eyebrow along with the smug smirk. I rolled my eyes at him and blew out smoke in his direction. If he's trying to play a game, I'm not joining in. If he's trying to see if I'm jealous, I'm not feeding his ego tonight. His eyes were still glued to me as Lilian told him some story.

"Stella?" I turned my head to look at Stu, who finally took off his sunglasses. "Do you wanna dance?" I gave him a friendly smile and nodded.

We went out to the dance floor, and I could feel Paul's pouty expression as I walked away. Me and Stu swayed with each other at a friendly distance, his hands on my waist, mine on his shoulders.

"I can't believe James Dean wants to dance with me." I smiled jokingly. Stu let out a mocking laugh and rolled his eyes.

"Oh, sod off," he grumbled. Most guys would be thrilled that a girl is calling them James Dean. I remember John telling me what a complicated bloke Stu is. Must be art students.

We swayed a little longer, making small talk. And I pretended not to hate it. I looked back at the table, praying Diana would see my bored eyes and save me. Diana made eye contact with me and got up. Two people I didn't get eye contact from were Lillian and Paul, seeing as they disappeared.

"Stel, come grab some drinks with me?" Diana grabbed my hand and pulled me away. I gave Stu an apologetic look and shrugged. I felt guilty feeling relieved being away from him. Stu was a friend. Friends don't wanna dance with friends that long, that close.

"Have I told you how much I love you?" I linked my arm with hers as we made our way to the bar. She smirked and nodded. We sat down knowing damn well we couldn't buy any booze, hence why we waved off the bartender.

"So Stu's takin a liking to you," Diana started. I grimaced and sighed.

"He's a friend, I don't wanna hurt his feelings." I played with my fingers and glanced back at the table to see the two seats still stood empty.

"He's a big boy, he'll get over it." She rolled her eyes. I laughed and looked at her with a smirk.

"It looks like George's takin a liking to you,"
I said lowly, poking her arm. She poked me back and rolled her eyes.

"I don't know if I'm ready for English boys yet. Their alcohol tolerance is quite intimidating," she deadpanned. I laughed and glanced back at the table. "Stop looking. He's a whore, you knew that. I think he likes you though, seemed pretty upset when you went with Stu. Plus he's stuck around for a while not trying to deflower you yet." I looked at her with wide eyeshadow my mouth open

"Shut up. God, can't you fucking stop analyzing everyone?" I was getting annoyed at her observations, mostly cause I was scared that they're true. "Oh look who's back at the table, let's go sit down." I dragged Diana to the table again and sat down in the same seat. Paul had droplets of sweat on his upper lip, his hair sticking up. And Lilian sat there with smudged lipstick and a big, shameless grin.

"Wanna go dance Paul?" Lilian asked him. My chest sank and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't dance," Paul lied. I looked at his face that expressed boredom as he lit a cigarette.

"Why not?" She asked, not getting any hints.

"I'm Polish." Paul replies, the same expression on his face. I wanted to laugh and slap him at the same time. He was being a wanker, luckily Lilian was too dense to get offended.

"Yeah. Polishians don't dance. In respect for Hitler invading and all," John quipped, wearing the same expression as Paul.

"Oh, okay." Lilian laughed. The boys all shared an amused look, except for Paul whose eyes burned through the side of my head.

"You're a dizzy little thing aren't ya?" John asked Lilian. My jaw clenched as I glared at the man. She might not be the smartest, but she's a sweet girl.

"Yeah, but usually only at amusement parks." The guys laughed at her response, minus Paul. I shod up out of my chair and grabbed both Diana and Lilian.

"Okay, were going back to ours. Frankly, I think I've been around you too much John. The suppressed annoyance is coming out."

And with that we all left and had fun with more alcohol at our house.


Sorry kinda short I'm trying to update but exams are very soon

Quick question, do you ever see a picture of Paul with a random girl and think "yep he probably fucked her"

Well I'm falling sleep while writing this so remember to vote and comment!!!

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