Pressing ME (edited)

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It took me a moment to register the words that left out of his mouth.
All I could think about was Jimin's plush lips that moved ever so graicfuly against mine.
My eye's fluttered shut. Our lips molding together,Like a puzzle piece they went together perfectly. It's was almost euphoric and I felt the electric touch of Jimin's hands grab my own.
I almost screamed at myself for feeling as I leaned back into the kiss as Jimin broke off.

Our heavy breathing and irregular heartbeat was prominent.
Throughout my hooded eye's I seen that we are still in the position and now I realised tho pressure going to my lower abdomen was comming from Jimin moving lowly on my groin.

"W..we need to sleep,We need to prepare for the airport". Jimin huffed out and slowly got off Me and went to his bed.
"S..sleep...w..with me hyung"I said while grabbing his velvety,boney wrists.
Jimin our up no fight at he laid down in my bed.

Jimin's POV

Jungkooks scent was overwhelming for me as I laid down in his bed. Like an Alfa his scent overwhelmed his Omega and I almost felt myself whine.
Jungkook stared at my lips for a while then looked into my eyes and wrapped his arms around my body.


"Wake up Jimin-ah" The sun light ate Jimin whole as he sat up groaning and wiping his eyes like a little kid.
Jungkook smiled at the little mewls coming from Jimin and he jogged downstairs.
Jimin got up lazily and getting ready.
Everyone was now in the living room as their manager did a quick head count,
"1,2,3....,4...5,6,.....7! Ok lets hit the road".
They all chuckled and showed him out luggage and He nodded in approval.
Everyone packed into the rather small van.

"Hey Yoongles!" Jimin beamed as Yoongi's half lidded eyes.
Yoongi shook his head in headedness.
"You sleep any you look like a zombie" Jimin chuckled
"Yeah says the one- Nevermind did you sleep good?"Yoongi quickly cut himself off.

Yeah says the one who lookes like a skeleton

"I slept pretty good" Jimin chirped as Yoongi laughed and shook his head.

"It's bad for your health Yoongi hyung you need to sleep more" Jimin pleaded.

And you need to eat more

"Please sleep more so we can grow old together and I can't see your wrinkles"Jimin said giving Yoongi a spine breaking hug
"Only if you eat more" Yoongi said Making Jimin chomp back and keep to himself.

"Me and Jungkook kissed last night" Yoongi brushed off the fact that Jimin just swerved out of the conversation and nodded,
"How was it?" Yoongi asked and Jimin held his heart.
"It was magical!" Jimin said enthusiastically.
Yoongi once again nodded as his eyes became heavy like lead

"Soo,are you two dating yet??"Yoongi a little peeved and lifted his eyebrow,
"I dont I don't think he needs someone like me you know?"jimin said with a little pink blush spread across his face looking down.

"Oh it's like that?"Yoongi said with and embraced Jimin

"You should rest hyung"jimin urged as he planted shapes into Yoongi's back

"No It's ok- Yoongi was quickly cut off my Jimin squeezing his cheeks,

"If you don't go to sleep I will shove a hearing aid so far up your ass you'll be able to hear your small intestine product shit!"

jimin said bitting his cheek trying not to laugh and sound serious.

"What the hell Jimin your so fucking sick and twisted" Yoongi gasped hold Jimin's shoulders.

"Then how about that nap?"jimin asked with a grin as Yoongi shook his head in disbelief.
Yoongi saved his words quickly shaking his head making Jimin bean like a flashlight.

"Good boy"jimin said and stroked Yoongi's hair until he fallen asleep.

Jungkooks POV

Talking to taehyung was the heard part,stealing glances from Jimin and Yoongi was easy!
I seen every bit of it. To Jimin and Yoongi laughing,a hearing aid threat ( that still makes me shudder.), The gigging, Touching, And now Jimin slowly stroking Yoongi's hair.
My thoughts were shut off by Taehyung who loved to smack his dorky little lips.

"Do that to me~"taehyung said and held his head down slowly shaking his head side to side.

"Jungkook-ah" Jimin called like an angel with a smile,

"Pet him like a kitten~"jimin said and pointed to taehyung with a giggle.

I looked at Taehyung with his pleading eyes. Rolling my eyes I began to pet his soft hair as he laid on my shoulder.
And jimin gave me the thumbs up and flashed me a smile
Yoongi moved a bit and jimin turned back to yoongi.

With a giggling Jimin you could not even tell he was sick it was as if he had more energy than the sun but people did not see beyond his thick mask but I knew, I knew he was a broken vase in which needed mending. The mask will wear out soon.


Hi *_* So um.....

DO yAlL wAnT mY sNaP?


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it's currently 4:30 am (4:32 NOW MA'AM)
brain cells are dying.
My DOGO won't stop MOVING and I'm uncomfortable I'm listening to....
Cause why not??.
goodnight (MORNING)
WAKE UP IN THE MORNING i GOT MURDER ON MY MIND A- lemme stop cuz I sound ratchet I don't know why that's on my playlist I think Chase did it....?(paw patrol aka my bf u remember him I mentioned him before😩😩)
I need to shut UP bai goodnight I'm having a Convo with myself and its sad.
Also if doing this at the end of my chapters aggravates you I'm sorry tell me and I'll improve.

your committed I'm your crime push my buttons all the time you got your finger on the trigger but your trigger fingers mine; )👀

Bai kisses to all my babies 💋💋💋👅

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