"Mine too." Grace told Mary before taking a seat beside the girl, Sunny nuzzling her head into Grace as soon as she sat down. "That sounds fun."

"What are you going to do today?" Mary asked with a sudden eagerness showing in the pits of her blue eyes. Grace smiled and shrugged, intimidating the same gesture that Mary did only a few seconds ago.

"Probably just divulge myself in watching Friends on rerun." Grace then said, and watched as a ever growing smile seemed to take over Mary's face.

"Do you want to come boating with us?" Mary asked and Grace shook her head ready to interject, but Mary quickly spoke once more. "Please! Frank can be really boring sometimes— actually most times."

Grace sighed while looking down at her hands clasped together, acting as if she was actually deciphering the offer but they both already knew her answer. Mary, filled with anticipation, decided to start chanting please like a broken record player making Grace roll her eyes playfully.

"Fine, fine." Grace said in fake exasperation, leaning back on her elbows with her legs still crossed. "But— Sunny gets to come too."

"Deal!" Mary yelled enthusiastically and Grace laughed gently at the over excited girl. "I'll go tell Frank!"

With that Mary was running away, her small legs carrying her rather quickly towards her own house. Grace watched the small girl with a grin across her face, chest buzzing with a certain fondness that seemed to be taking over her whole body. When Mary was out of sight, Grace stood up with Sunny following in pursuit. She then walked back inside, the cold air of her house hitting her almost immediately making a slight shiver course throughout her body.

Grace was in the midst of brushing her teeth when a heavy knock resounded on her door echoing into the bathroom. Spitting out the paste and rinsing her mouth, Grace made herself as presentable as she could be in a sweater and spandex before strolling towards her front door. She could see the silhouette of a person standing with their back to her door, sun casting against them outlining their figure. She let out a nervous breathe, already knowing who was currently standing outside her doorstep.

Opening the door, Grace was met with Frank turning around— rugged beard and all. A tight fit shirt was snug against his body outlining every single muscle of his, and Grace found herself gulping in the slightest. His hands were inside his jean pockets, and she couldn't help but think just how good he looked in that moment. Apparently she wasn't the only one having certain thoughts, because his eyes seemed to linger a little longer on her legs than intended making a blush rise on his neck uncomfortably before averting his eyes back up to Graces.

"So I heard Mary invited you to go boating with us." Frank said with a slight raise of his thick eyebrow.

"Yeah, something like that." Grace shrugged, a smirk tugging at the corners of her lips as she eyed the man before her, hand resting on the curve of her hip. "And she promised me that Sunny could come too...if that's alright with you."

"More the merrier." Frank told Grace, a grin spreading upon his face. "We are going to stop at a beach, so if you want to swim or anything I suggest bringing your swim suit."

"I'll take it into consideration." Grace joked, earning a breathy laugh from Frank as he looked down at his shoes. "What time are we leaving?"

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