Chapter 13: A Mate's Meeting

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I stepped through the portal and was inside a magnificent cafeteria with various types of foods: seafood, Italian, Mediterranean, Chinese, and many more. While I was walking towards the seafood and Italian dishes, I noticed the many, powerful, creatures in here alongside their powerful relics and familiars. I tried to withhold as much of my aura, but it became difficult as everyone else's overwhelming presence felt like it had a vice grip around my throat.

After grabbing alfredo pasta, chopped lobster, and a small salad, I looked for a table and found one in the corner with little occupants. The table in the middle of the room was being avoided like the plague, well, the people sitting at the table were. Their power was undeniable, they must be the leaders of the organization. Pasad, who was quiet after receiving a plate of meat, lightly growled as a man, a Fury, approached the table smugly. "Well hello, what is a sexy little thing like you sitting all alone? Don't you want some company" he asked, trying to be sexy?

I did not want to be rude, but his demeanor was somewhat aggravating, so I ignored him and continued eating rather than making a snide comment. "You must be pretty powerful to have such a rare and strong familiar, quite the pretty kitty if I must say so myself," he said while admiring Pasad. I thanked him and hoped we would eat in peace. I had finished eating, but Pasad was still snacking on the remains of the meat. When we finished, I looked around for a sign to show where the meeting will take place or for multiple people to walk in a particular direction outside the cafeteria.

I walked around asking people if they knew where the meeting room was, but nobody else knew the answer, stating the people sitting at the middle table knew since they were the hosts. I walked towards the table, hoping to not cause any conflict, and started determining what type of creatures they were. There was five of them: a hydra, a wind serpent, a dragon emperor, a valkyrie, and even an archangel, great. I tapped the shoulder of the Hydra, who had her other eight heads concealed, and asked where the meeting room was located.

This resulted in everyone gasping, did I commit some forbidden act? The hydra, along with the other four members, glared at my hand. "I don't like to be touched" she stated as she flicked my hand off of her shoulder. "Kassie, please deal with this imbecile," she said, looking at the direction of the valkyrie. She then used revealed her true, demonic form, well part of it, which is a horrifying face the instills fear and doubt in people, which is highly effective on most. I did not want to feel crazy for the next couple of hours, or days, so I turned the tables on her, I condensed my demonic side into my eyes as well. I used a bit of my aura, which drives people insane and gets stronger by the minute. She started screaming as her insanity started dwindling by the minute, which led to the angel becoming quite upset at the presence of a demon, you know, the whole war and forever enemies thing.

"Foolish demon, stop this madness at once, or you will have to answer to Archangel Loki," he retorted, showing off his wings. The other members of the group also stood up, revealing their true forms clearly ready for a fight. Well, I've already started enough trouble, a little more won't hurt. I went into Ragnorok, allowing control of my demon side which includes detachable poisonous horns, and a tail that releases a toxic that allows complete control of a person. To throw them, I revealed part of my angelic side, though I haven't unlocked its true form. The combination resulted in what appeared as a color disfiguration in Ragnorok, having a mixture of both demonic and angelic qualities.

They gasped when they saw Ragnorok, especially the angel who became visibly scared. "How about this, you move a step, and you'll be punished by the Ruler of Domintio and Raguul," I said, letting all of my aura be released, it was kind of funny seeing everyone react to the power. The five of them all tried talking but appeared as if they could not speak. I drew my aura back and reverted back to my normal form. I chuckled as Pasad was on the floor, covering his eyes with his paws, poor kitty. I crouched down and gave him a pat on the head to let him know everything is alright, he lifted one paw to double check before standing up.

"So, where is the meeting room?" I asked hoping I would get an actual answer this time. Thankfully, they gave me the directions, and I managed to find the room. After about an hour, everyone entered the room. The five people walked up on the huge stage, the hydra taking the mic. "Good afternoon everyone, we are elated that you all have arrived. We have a guest of honor today that will speak briefly, then you all can mingle and network with one another, hopefully, form some alliances with each other." she quickly said as they left the stage and sat at the table, front and center.

After a few minutes, I became physically uncomfortable. At first, it was not that bad, but it grew and became more unbearable by the second. My breathing became ragged, and I fought to control my powers. Pasad looked at me with concern in his eyes, but I was unable to even give him any reassurance. After a few minutes, I caved into the feeling, and my magic went haywire as I heard the doors to the room open. Somebody is screwing up my magic.

Ryan's POV:

As I walked into the building, I felt a tingling sensation serge throughout my body. My fangs elongated, and my craving for blood became immense, more than ever before, which is strange considering I just fed. I could smell the person's blood, practically taste it, and it was invigorating. It smelt like cinnamon and black cherries, and I had to fight to maintain my composure. My guards and younger brother continuously asked if I was okay, which I lied and said I was fine.

I walked through the door, and the smell assaulted my senses, I searched for who was emanating it, but was unable to due to the amount of people in the room. I hissed in frustration as I walked towards the stage to give my speech, still looking for the location of that scent. "Hey Daniel, do you smell that? It smells amazing but I can't find who is giving it. how about you?" I said, almost desperate to find the location. He simply looked at me confused, then shook his head, resulting in my disappointment.

While I was giving my speech, I noticed that there was some guy who was unable to control his powers. It was a blatant sign of disrespect, I was surprised none of the organization founders had security remove him, but they all looked at him with fear in their eyes. I was drawn to him, I wanted to grab him, take him back to my castle, and make him mine. How could someone like him make five rare and powerful creatures such as themselves fearful of him? As I gave my speech, I felt unable to take my eyes off of him, which he returned the favor as we made eye contact the entire time. I am not ashamed to admit that I rushed the speech, I wanted to get to that guy as soon as possible. I did not care if I could not mark him, drink his blood, or anything, I just needed him in my arms, right now. He is my mate. 

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