Chapter 8: Processing

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It is finals week, the end of the semester, the most stressful week. It has been a few weeks since I met my mom and since then it has been intense: when I was not studying, I was training to have better control over the "dark" part of me and vice-versa. Today is the day of my last final, which is surprisingly math, and admittedly, I am very nervous. I know I will do well on the final, that is not what makes me anxious, it is the fact I will have a break.

I have been studying and training nonstop that I have not been able to process any of my emotions, or deal with them, after that week; with the break impending, I will have time to myself, meaning one way or another, I am going to have to deal with them. Every passing minute I think about the fact, the emotions I tried to bury deep inside of me slowly resurfacing, making every moment more agonizing. Having to process so much information in so little time resulted in me being unable to truly determine how I feel about any of it, which was much easier than actually addressing my feelings.

I am currently sitting outside the classroom, waiting for the teacher to allow us to enter and begin testing. I was fiddling with my fingers, unsure of what to do with my time as I had roughly five or ten minutes before I could start my final. Even though I hated the strenuous schedule of study then train, I hated being by myself, without my music, much more. The thought of Kyle and Natalie kept recycling in my mind, so to distract myself I chewed on the corner of my lip a bit.

I'll admit it, I am a coward, I avoided him, them, like the plague. Every second I watched them together, happy, emotions bubble to the surface, jealousy, anger, sorrow, hurt. I contemplated ways to deal with my emotions, safely, yet none really could help me. Even if I use a simulation, that is all it will be, a simulation of me just doing useless tricks and spells. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the jingling of keys, I look to my side to see the professor unlocking the door to his classroom.

I stand up and follow him into the classroom, grabbing the provided pencil and scrap paper. The professor digs through his bag before picking up a manilla envelope that looks like it will burst at any moment, clearly stuffed with the final exam sheets. He opens the envelope and gives me the exam sheet, I walk back to my desk in the back and begin testing.

I was so engulfed in my testing that I failed to realize Kyle had even entered the room, of course, he would have, he was in the same math class. I was practically slapped when I saw him, thankfully his head was down, testing, but it did not make the rising emotions, even bile, any easier. I had finished and handed in the final exam sheet and scrap paper then proceded to leave the classroom. I walked at a slow pace as I left the building, realizing the break I had made me slightly nauseous. I made it outside and saw a guy leaning on the side of the building, smoking a cigarette.

I could tell he was a vampire, meaning that he probably had done well on finals. As for the cancer-stick in his mouth, it really has no repercussions on him, considering they whole already dead ordeal. I ignored his presence and began to just relax, only thinking about the blissful feeling of the breeze on my skin to calm the scorching heat. I was enjoying the breeze, the calmness when I felt a presence beside me. I guess the vampire was tired of not being acknowledged, he did not say anything, at first.

"Want one?" was all he asked while showing me a carton of cigarettes, which I calmly denied. He was handsome, fairly muscular, shoulder-length dark brown hair, grey eyes, and even a little stubble on his square jaw. I became irritated as I felt a penetration in my mind, the damn oversized bat was trying to invade my mind, and we haven't even spoken more than three words. To scare him, I envisioned a werewolf pouncing on a vampire, about to viciously attack him. He stopped prodding, swallowing the lump in his throat as he tried to maintain his calm and collected composure.

"You hungry?" he asked, again with the short, simple, and barely effective questions. I thought about if I wanted to go eat with him, studying his expression to see if there was any sign of deceit. What the heck, having a bite to eat with a vampire wouldn't hurt, as long as I am not the bite. 

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