{The Ultimate Game of Truth or dare}

Start from the beginning

"Guess we're gonna be here for a while huh?" He laughed a little, his face started to turn a light shade of pink. Kiibo knew there was no way of getting out of this now. He really hoped to confess the next Friday, but there really was no choice now.

"Well...if were gonna be stuck here for a while...I might as well get something off my chest..." Kiibo nervously tapped his fingers together, waiting for Ouma to say something, but he didn't. There was a long pause, and the silence was killing both boys.

"I wanna say something too..." Ouma finally mumbled, Kiibo looked at him. He was confused and blushing like crazy now.

"G-go ahead..." he stuttered, Ouma sighed and turned to face him. Their eyes locked. Ouma stared into the taller boys beautiful turquoise eyes, and Kiibo stared back at mysterious purple ones.

"Ok..." Ouma took a deep breathe and lunged at the taller robot boy. Encasing him in a hug. Slowly, cold metallic arms snaked their way around his waist too, and they pulled him closer. The two boys faces were only centimeters apart from each other now.

"I-I love you...Kiibo...and I've loved you for a long time now I-I ..." Ouma stammered, he cut himself off as he quickly jolted his head up. His lips met the other boys. Kiibo's eyes widened, but it didn't take long before he was able to melt into the kiss. Ouma's lips were soft and slightly chapped. They separated when they both started to run out of breathe.

"I love you too Ouma..." Kiibo smiled, encasing the smaller boy in another hug. He was happy and shocked that Ouma shared the same feelings. But then again, it was so obvious. So obvious, it was almost painful.

"Do you think they'll let us out now?" Ouma asked, wrapping himself tightly around the other boy and burying his face in his chest.

"I don't know...but something tells me that you don't want to leave." Kiibo grinned, stroking the smaller boys soft purple hair.

"I don't..." Ouma laughed softly, cuddling closer to the taller boy. They eventually fell asleep holding each other. Kaede had her ear up against the door and was quietly listening to the whole ordeal. She even whipped out her phone and recorded them. She squealed and ran over to Saihara and Amami, who were once again sitting on the couch.

"Take a look at this!" She triumphantly smiled, showing them the recording. Amami's eyes grew wide and Saihara was laughing now.

"No way! You better share that with me!" Amami yelled, he was also starting to flip now. Saihara was freaking out internally, what if they found out about this?

"Already did! I shared it with everyone!" Kaede smiled, Amami and Saihara looked at each other with a shocked expression. Everyone? That didn't seem like a good plan.

"You can't be serious! What if they find out!" Amami curled into a ball and was rocking back and forth now. Saihara was trying to comfort him.

"Don't worry, they won't find out! Unless somebody tells them! Pretty sure that won't happen though!" She laughed. The blonde girl left the room and slipped her phone in her pocket before swinging open the closet door. Ouma and Kiibo were still asleep, and were still holding each other.

"Oh boys~! You can come out now!" The blonde girl stated. The two boys rubbed their eyes and groaned.

"Enjoy your beauty sleep?" Saihara teased from the living room.

"S-Shut up..." Ouma stuttered, grabbing Kiibo's hand and rushed to their bedroom. He slammed the door shut and pushed Kiibo against it. Even though Kiibo was a significant two inches taller than Ouma, he still weakly cowered as Ouma placed both hands on either side of his head, caging him in successfully.

"Can we...sleep together?" Ouma asked, kissing Kiibo quickly on the nose before walking over to his bed and laying down. Kiibo followed, and he faced in the opposite direction of the smaller boy. Ouma shifted slightly and wrapped his arms around Kiibo's waist, burying his face in the robot's neck.

After a few minutes, Kiibo turned into Ouma's arms and wrapped his own arms around the purple haired boy's waist. He fell asleep shortly afterwards.

{Meanwhile with the three amigos}

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Saihara whispered, he was standing outside the bedroom door with Amami and Kaede.

"Of course this is! I'll take a few pictures and we'll sneak out before they realize a thing!" Kaede replied, she pushed past Saihara and slowly creaked open the door, checking to see if they were still awake. She whipped her head back and tried to stop herself from fangirling.

"Woah! What's going on in there?" Rantaro excitedly whispered, he slowly opened the door and entered. His eyes immediately panned toward the two boys who were cuddling in bed. He squealed before pulling out his phone and snapping a few pictures. He turned for the door when he heard slight shifting. Panicking, he rushed to the door, slamming it shut.

"Amami! You better not have woken them up!" Saihara whispered, clearly mad at the green haired boy. Amami grabbed both Kaede and Saihara by the wrists and pulled them downstairs.

"What the hell Amami? Why'd you drag us down here!" Kaede yelled, bonking Amami on the head. He smiled devilishly showed them the photos. Kaede started to fangirl again and Saihara sighed.

"Guys, this isn't good! They probably heard us!" Saihara snapped. Amami and Kaede groaned.

"You're no fun Shuichi~" Kaede playfully hit him with a pillow. He smiled slightly and started to blush.

"Look who's blushing~!" Amami teased, quickly snapping a picture of Saihara blushing before hiding his phone in his pocket.

"Oh shut up!" Kaede blushed, she checked the time. It was getting late so the three eventually decided to head to bed. Saihara and Kaede went up to her room. Amami decided to sleep on the couch since he didn't feel like waking the two lovebirds up. So he grabbed a large blanket and a few pillows and claimed the couch.

The sleepover went just as Kaede hoped it would.

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