I Eat Butterflies? (there may be spoilers for TFIOS)

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My eyes fluttered open, my head was pounding. Looking around, I realize that I'm back in cabin 13. Nico was asleep on his bed with.... Ew, is that Drew from the Aphrodite cabin? Gross, things just got rated M for Mature. I threw a camp T-shirt and jeans into Nico's bed for Drew, then grabbed a red tank top, jeans, and a leather jacket. I quickly put it on them grabbed my favorite book (TFIOS) and went outside to find a quiet place to read.

No campers were outside and it was dark. I looked around for the moon but I couldn't find it, which is weird because there are no clouds and it's supposed to be a full moon.

Finally, I found a comfy looking tree and climbed up to a middle branch.

I finished the book. It was hard to, mostly because my eyes were so blurry with tears that I couldn't even see. Plus, I have dyslexia so that didn't help either. I was also crying for different reasons, then Gus dying.

I didn't tell anyone at camp or anyone period, but I actually had a brother named Danny, he died when he was 8 years old from stage 2 lung cancer. He wasn't a fighter, he wanted to die, he said that it was no use trying, and that he would suffer even more than if he got chemotherapy.

Anyway, I suddenly was pulled out of my memories when a cold hand touched my shoulder. I squealed and fell out of the tree, falling straight onto my back and knocking the wind out of me. I looked like a fish out of water.

"Oh, oops? You okay, Rora?" I heard Death boy laugh so I glared at him

"Fine." I snarled, as Nico held out his hand to help me up after he jumped out of the tree. I started to head back to camp, but I felt an arm wrap around my waist and pull me backwards. I was suddenly surrounded in darkness, all I could see was Nico beside me with his arm still wrapped around my waist. I felt a tingle in my stomach, ugh what was that called!? Eh, I'll ask Nico.

"Hey, Nico?"


"What's that tingling feeling in your stomach called?"

"Uh butterflies?"

"Ooh, so that's what its called, I forgot"

"Why'd you ask?"

"...No reason, just wondering" I saw Nico blush and look away, and I did the same. GASH why am I acting this way!? Nico let go of my waist when we finished shadow traveling. He decided to put his arm back after a few minutes. I took this chance to look around at where we were. What I saw brought back all the trauma that I had tried so desperately to hide.

We were in front of the orphanage.


*whispers* IT'S MONDAY, SEE I TOLD YOU I WOULD DO IT LOL. It's really short, but I have allot of trouble writing long ones because of my dyslexia so.... yeeeeah I know there's not many of you actually reading this so I guess it doesn't really matter X'D.

Byeeeeee my Kittens


Daughter of Thanatos: On the runOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora