CHAPTER XXXIX: 39 Sunset Villa, Busan

Start from the beginning

"OH NO! What I meant is me and Jimin's home. Don't misunderstand anyhting!" He panicked as he saw my expression


I hope this cemented ground could swallow me right now

"Oh yeah of course, I was shocked at the idea of me visiting your house" I laughed awkwardly and smiled sheepishly while we started to walk towards his car

Can I die at this moment?

"It's been a while and I'm not sure if I should go. After the time NaNa visited me, I suddenly missed the comfort of home and family. And I think that I'm ready to forgive and accept people now" He halted his steps, making me stop too

He looked at me and smiled "Thank you EunByeol"

It feels so good to hear that.

I was really worried that I called NaNa that night but, knowing how it affected Kookie.

It was worth the risk

"You're always welcome"


"Wooow" That was the only word I muttered as we reached their gigantic house.

The guard opened the gate for us, allowing us to enter the wide garden of red and white roses, with a fish pond, a fountain and a swing

It was very instagram-able

We got out of the car and walked towards a mini mansion house with a white and gold exterior color.

So this is how the 39 sunset villa looks like

It was very elegant, not so luxurious but, it shouts class

"Let's come in?" JungKook walled towards the  porch and I followed after him

His hand was just hovering at the door knob, hesitation was very clear in his eyes and the way he took several deep breaths

It kinda looks like how I went through before I answered his call this morning

He finally opened the door revealing the amazing interior design of the house.

Unlike the look outside, it was pretty colorful, fun and the class was still there

But, something bothered me

Where are the people?

"Jungkook? Is that you?" NaNa came down the stairs hurriedly while me ang JungKook was frozen

She wasted no time in hugging the man, snuggling into his arms "I'm glad you're home"

"Me too NaNa, it feels great to be home"

She broke the hug and laid her eyes on me "oh Ms. Lee, we met again" She came to me and hugged me

"thank you for calling me that night, don't worry I'll keep it a secret" She whispered on my ear and I hugged her back

"Nice to see you again NaNa" I smiled at her

"But, why made you come here Kookie?"

"I just want to make things right after all this time."

His words held determination and confidence which made me relieved that he took the sudden events the right way and it made him more like his true self

He was starting to heal


First update of the year~~

I wish you everyone that may your 2019 be a better year❣

Thank you for the reads everyone

I can say that I will strive to be a better writer this year


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