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The next 3 years Piccolo spent training the young girl. Luckily for him, she listened carefully and learned fast. He sent her out to do some meditation so he could get some alone time. While Arlice was pretty well behaved, she was not unlike other children her age. Earlier that morning she and Piccolo debated her keeping her tail.

"But I wanna keep it this time!" the spiky-haired child demanded as she put up her arms to defend herself from her mentor removing her tail.

"Arlice, there is no reason why this has to be such a big deal. It is just a tail. It doesn't even add that much in battle," Piccolo grumbled, already very irritated.

"Yeah, but have you ever seen someone else with a tail? It makes me special" Piccolo was quick to point out that Goku had one as a child. "Well..." Arlice started, "Goku is strong. Maybe it appears on humans who are extremely strong!"

Piccolo rolled his eyes. While he knew she was not human, he hadn't yet found the time to tell her. Arlice did have a point though about the possibility of her and Goku being similar. Was he a Saiyan? Refocusing, he figured that the girl would not drop the situation. "Fine. You can keep it for the week, but after that, it comes off. Got it?" The full moon was weeks away, so even if she debated again, there was still time for him to remove it.

Figuring that was the best she'd get out of her mentor, the young girl smiled and gave him a hug. He grumbled then sent her off.

It had been a few hours since then. While she tried to meditate, the four-year-old was too excited about her tail. She played with it a bit before actually starting to train. Piccolo monitored her until he began to sense another high power leave heading straight towards him.

"Hey, are you Kakarot? If you are then stay still. I need to talk to you about milling and selling this planet!" Kakarot. Where have I heard that before? Picco thought to himself as the strange man approached. Finally, a man with large bushy black hair and a tail was in front of him. A tail. That means he is a Saiyan. Could he be Arlice's father? 

As this was going on, Arlice began to have a break. She relaxed and laid down on the ground, before also feeling the power level. Intrigued, she went to her mentor. The power level was already gone by the time he got there. "What is going on. Who was that?"

"I'm going to go find out." Piccolo lowered his power level and started following the stranger, Arlice not far behind. He stopped and turned to her. "Arlice, you are to stay here."

"But I want to fight too!" she huffed. She crossed her arms and pouted.

"Arlice this is not up for debate. Whoever he is, he is too much for you to handle." Piccolo snapped. He watched the girl's stubbornness diminish. Usually, he encouraged her to fight, and even if the opponent was stronger. Why is he so upset now? She thought. The frustration in his voice also scared her. Without another word she nodded and floated down to the ground. He flew off without another word, leaving the young girl staring at the spot in the sky where he had just been.

She sat and began to meditate, but she couldn't help but focus on the fight. She felt her mentor and another power, similar to his, fly off after the really big power level. As they fought, she grew more and more uneasy as Piccolo's ki dropped. She couldn't take it anymore, and leapt from her spot and dashed towards the fight.

As she got closer, she saw who the big ki belonged to and aimed towards him. Letting out a battle cry, she charged to his side and punched him in the jaw, sending him back a good number of feet.

"Arlice I told you to stay out of this fight!" Piccolo yelled. He was charging up his special beam cannon so the most he could do was glare at the girl.

"Well, technically you said to stay where I was, and I did. You didn't say when I had to stop and you seemed like you needed help." She smiled, trying to ignore the look of irritation on his face. Before he could say anything, the guy stood up.

"Who the hell..." He stopped in his place as he saw the girl. More specifically, he saw the tail that was attached to the girl. He smirked, "So, you have a daughter too, Kakarot."

"Uh, no. Not that I know of at least" said the guy standing by Piccolo. The bigger guy laughed.

"There are no other Saiyans alive. Who else would be her father?" He began to walk towards the girl.

"Goku, shouldn't you be beating him up instead of pointless chit chat" Piccolo yelled. Arlice tried to take another swing at the foe, but now that he was expecting it, he blocked it and threw her to the ground. He then picked her up by her tail. Why can't I freaking move! She internally screamed. Then another kid burst out of some weird pod and headbutted him, making him drop Arlice.

"Leave my father alone!" On he was done, he ran over to Goku. "Daddy!" Arlice got back into her fighting stance, happy she could finally move again and watched.

"Gohan, what was that?" Gohan just kept running over then stopped in front of his father. "No seriously, what was-"

"UNCLE RADIZ IS PISSED" came the scream of Radiz as he smacked the boy away, knocking him out. Arlice jumped to attack, but he smacked her away as well. Before he could hurt Gohan, Goku put him in a full Nelson and Piccolo fired the special beam cannon through both of them.

They fell to the ground, and Piccolo finally relaxed and watched as Goku's friends arrived to take care of them. Arlice went to talk with him, but he just turned away and put his weighted clothing on. Goku's friends were by his side as he disappeared. They held Gohan and begun to plan to gather the Dragon Balls to wish him back. That was until Piccolo told them that Kami took Goku, and probably had a reason to do so. Instead, he told them to gather the Dragon Balls and wait. He flew off, taking Gohan with him. Arlice flew behind him, anxious on what her punishment would be.

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