The views were beautiful to Junmyeon, but it was incomparable to the sight of the person his eyes caught awhile ago.

Junmyeon thought his mind was going haywire. Why was he making such cheesy comments?

One last time, Junmyeon promised to himself, Just one last time shall I dare look at her.

He gazed towards the subject of his thoughts' disarray, and that was when their eyes first met. Just as sudden, he felt all sorts of emotions — a surge of electricity was sent to his body, his tummy was full of butterflies, and a shiver went down his spine.

This is really becoming a problem, he said inwardly.

Junmyeon blinked his eyes twice to register what just happened, and when he looked at the girl again, she was already pearing through the window, occupied in her own thoughts with the slightest hint of a smile on her lips.


The bus stops.

Joohyun reaches for her bag at the upper compartment and takes a notebook.

She has arrived.


Junmyeon thought that fate was playing games with him. This was, perhaps, some prank given to him by the controlling forces of the universe.

He couldn't believe his eyes.

There she was, the ever-so-heart-quickening individual three feet away from him, eyes focused on a leather-covered notebook held by two most beautiful pair of hands Junmyeon has ever seen.

Why did she get off the bus at the exact same location as Junmyeon's hometown? He clearly hasn't seen the lady here before.

You promised to talk to her if you two got off on the same place. A voice in his head told him.

He pushed this thought to the back of his mind. No way was he going to pursue it. Although Junmyeon was a man of his word, what he said to himself earlier was nothing more than a silly proposition, a joke.

Junmyeon noticed that he was all dried up now, and was all set to walk home. The girl seemed to be headed towards the opposite direction.

Junmyeon turned towards the direction of his house and stepped away slowly, farther from her.

One step.

Two steps.

An unsettling feeling of unfulfilled promise rested on Junmyeon's heart.

Three steps.


It bugged him; his soul was urging him to turn and bolt to the stranger he somehow had feelings for.




Junmyeon could not hold it in anymore. He turned and sprinted, chasing the girl.

"Excuse me!" He shouts.

He was nearing the small figure.

"Excuse me!" He calls for her again.

No response.

"H-hi! Excuse me!" Junmyeon managed to catch up and be in a distance where his yells were audible to the other person.

The girl stopped in her tracks.

Junmyeon was panting hard at that point, hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath.

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