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The helicopter blades whirred in the air, signaling it was time to go. The squad loaded into the chopper eager to kill, save, or blow shit up.

Twitch and Y/N shared a similar confused glance at Zofia and Ela yelling at each other.
Sledge would stupidly try to stop the argument.

"Hey, you two need to calm the fuck down." He said.

Ela turned to him and gave the death stare™️ which scared him back into his seat.
They continued arguing in Polish until Ela groaned in anger and turned away from Zofia.

Zofia seemed quite bothered by Ela. She seemed like she was about to explode.

"You ignorant child! Listen to me!" Zofia angrily screamed at Ela.

"You need to relax Zofia." Y/N told Zofia. "Ela is going through something."

Zofia turned to Y/N and gave him a dirty look.
"So your the one who has been sleeping with my sister..."

That sentence made everyone stare at Y/N, even the Pilots.

"Well...She's been sleeping with ME. Ela doesn't own a bed. Even if we were sleeping together like that, it wouldn't be your concern." Y/N explained to an angry Zofia.

The entire cabin fell silent. Even Zofia who was glowing with anger had fell silent. Ela had an evil smirk on her face and held her head high in victory.

4 Hours later...
••••••••••, Germany.
2 kilometers away from White Mask compound.

The chopper landed and unloaded the team. Twitch led the squad wearily.

Silence echoed throughout the space, leaving nothing but the chirp of crickets present.


The loud shot of a rifle sounded breaking the silence, along with the scream of Twitch, and Sledge who fired blindly trying to find the source of the shot.

As Finka started her adrenals and got Twitch into cover, the squad fired into the not-so darkness where they were being shot from.

"Cease fire!" Sledge shouted after noticing the bullets stopping.

Sledge signaled for the squad to follow. As they moved they took note of the long and thick trail of blood leading in the opposite direction.

"Looks like we got them." Ela commented.

"They're still moving Ela. As long as their heart beats. It's a problem." Y/N said.

"The boy is right. We better follow this." Zofia added.

Sledge moved on, following the blood trail. They found the end of the blood trail with a body. Sledge called one confirmed kill and continued moving on the compound that was now in sight.

Down two teammates, the now squad of four moved on. They came upon a small ditch. The bluff on the other side  would lead to a door guarded by two white masks.

Y/N readied his intervention sniper and set up his bipod. He laid down on his stomach and aimed for the heart of one of the guards.
Before he could pull the trigger Ela sprayed down both targets and looked down at Y/N.

"You take too long Wolny człowiek." Ela said.

"Something tells me you like it slow." Y/N fired back.

"Well if your giving it to me..." Ela admitted.

"Hey! We have a mission to do." Zofia cut in.

"I'd rather do him." Ela retorted.

Zofia gave Ela her signature stare notifying her to shut the fuck up.
Sledge slightly chuckled and moved on to the doors with the squad.

Y/N put away his intervention and took out his Blyskawica Smg. Sledge brought out his hammer and pounded away at the door.(Which might have turned Ela on.)

The team tactically inserted into the building, so far no contact or alarms. Moving through the compound, they did their best to avoid cameras and subdue any targets silently.

They came to the end of a hall which led to two  doors. They agreed to split up. Zofia would move back to Finka and Twitch while the rest moved through the right door.

A few minutes later the trio found a door labeled Camera room. Ela signaled for Sledge to go in first. He slowly opened the door and peaked around the room. He found it clear and moved in.

As soon as he stepped inside, Sledge was tackled to the ground by a white mask with a knife. Y/N tried to rush to his aid only to be stopped by Ela. She punched Y/N to the ground and shot both Sledge and the terrorist with her pistol.

"Ela!! What are you doing?!!" Y/N questioned angrily.

Ela aimed her weapon at Y/N.
"Get up. Otherwise you join them." Ela commanded.

Y/N unable to comprehend the reality of what was happening, stared confused at Ela. His haze of confusion ended with shouting at him to "Get up!"

Y/N cooperated with Ela. He stood up and raised his hands. Ela got on her phone and called someone. She talked to him about meeting somewhere that Y/N wasn't focused on.

Noticing Ela not paying attention, Y/N reached for her gun only to have his hand shot straight through the palm. He winced in immense pain and  fell to his knees.
Ela looked angry.

"Don't make this hard. Just relax." Ela commanded in her usual irritated tone.

Now wasn't the time to figure out why Ela was doing it, but how to survive whatever she was doing.

GG mates.

The Wściekły Bosak RedemptionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz