Chapter 25 - Obstinate Recovery

Start from the beginning

"I presume that you still cannot move your hands. Will you give me permission to feed you?"

As much as Renee was taken aback, she wasn't about to be made to look like a weakling. "I'm not incapable!" Renee attempted to shout but failed terribly, for her hoarse voice sounded like that of a wounded animal's, begging for relief. Feeling the pain in her body worsen, she admittedly regretted her outburst.

For Severus, watching Renee in a state where she could not even hold a spoon was more than afflictive. Merlin knows he never meant to hurt her in the first place; in fact, the only reason why he said the things he wished he hadn't was because she hurt him too, which of course, was not justifiable in any way.

And it was as if he had not learned from his past.

"Please let me assist." Severus uttered stoically, looking at Renee's duvet instead of her eyes.

The girl decided that the ceiling was a much better view for her red-rimmed eyes so she fixated her defiant but weak stare at it, then eventually shut her eyes to the world, completely unbothered by the man's plea. She never even noticed that her bed was being carefully levitated so she could be in a sitting position until she was already upright.

Renee was already pinning her gaze to the wall until she felt a warm hand cup her cheek and raise her face, and she was now forced to look at two obsidian irises.

"Please? You really are in need of nourishment." Severus commented, his silky voice causing Renee to shiver.

Don't tell me that after everything, he still has the same effect on me.

A spoon with succulent-looking soup was raised to Renee's mouth, and realizing that she would be no better than a petulant, whining child if she refuses, she finally gave in and consumed it, unable to wrap her head around the fact that Severus Snape was feeding her.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Severus carried on with his abetment. "You have missed quite a lot of schoolworks in the duration of your absence, but I already gave the excuse slips to your professors and they graciously provided me with the things you need to accomplish. I will be giving them to you once you're on your way to recovery, but for now, you... are simply too sick."

Renee didn't know what game was Severus playing and why is he being so nice since yesterday. All she knew was that the cost of being the loser in whatever that game was would be unmistakably high.

"Rest is your priority at the moment." Severus emphasized gently. "I suppose I should also inform you that we are now on our Easter break and all the students have been sent home. This should give you ample time to finish all of your missed works. Your little friends left something for you, by the way." he pointed at a rather large envelope on top of the nightstand.

"Severus," Poppy called, interrupting the lone moment between the two and entered her ward. "Oh Merlin's beard, you woke up just in time, Renee! Remus is here."

Something finally made Renee smile-- she could not be more stoked to see Remus.

"I see." Severus huffed and stood up to walk out. "I will leave you to him, then."

The sick young lady looked at Severus with worry. "Wait..."

Renee could not believe that the thought of Severus leaving her still provided her heart the most unwanted company: pain.

"Yes, Renee?" Severus turned back around and asked, much to the bewilderment of the girl, because not once has he ever addressed her with her first name in front of anyone. Much to her relief and most likely Severus' as well, the mediwitch did not seem to notice anything unconventional and left the ward after announcing the ex-DADA professor's return to Hogwarts.

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