[36] When you cry

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Naruto positively hated when you cried. With wide eyes he would always rush to you and envelope you in a hug, pressing your face into the crook of his neck while his hands cradled your shoulders and head. After smothering you with kisses, he'd spend the rest of the day acting goofier than normal just to get a smile back on that beautiful face.


You didn't cry often, especially in the presence of the Uchiha. The rare times that you did, Sasuke would always sit quietly beside you – no speaking, no touching; just a comforting presence to offer you an ounce of strength as you sorted through your emotions. When you finished, he would brush his fingers gently across your cheek – maybe even place a kiss on your forehead – before giving you some space until you were ready to either talk about it or do something to distract yourself from whatever had upset you.


Kakashi was not one to smother you with affection at the sign of your tears. He always seemed to be one step ahead of even yourself, and depending on the situation that had caused your tears he would act accordingly. Sometimes he would speak gently with you to determine what was troubling you and how to resolve it. Most of the time, he would cradle you to his chest and let you cry in silence. If you wanted to talk about it after, he would always lend a listening ear and an honest, but gentle, opinion.


Poor Shikamaru didn't know what to do the first time you cried in front of him. Tears were bothersome, and you had always been one to well regulate your emotions. To see you cry, despite your gentleness and tender heart, was out of character – thus, the Nara would accordingly freak out any time you shed those precious alligator tears. Naturally, he would run around trying to collect things that might make you happy again: chocolate, flowers, soft blankets, Akamaru...until eventually he realized that you wanted nothing more than to be held in his arms. He would lay back with you resting against his chest, rubbing your back gently and whispering soothing words into your ear until you cheered up.


Shino didn't have much of a reaction when you cried because it was usually over something silly, like dropping your ice cream on the ground or seeing stray animals in the streets that you wanted to take home with you (and then crying because you couldn't take them home). While he showed an extreme amount of patience and rationale talking you through your fits, he learned quickly that your attention span was shorter than your emotional outbursts. Soon enough, you'd be off on another tangent, forgetting completely why you were upset in the first place.


Neji was probably the best person to comfort you when you were down. The gentleness of his voice and the tenderness of his touches always soothed you within minutes. Regardless of what had upset you, he would hug you to his body and calmly ask what was wrong, guiding you through your emotions and encouraging you that it was okay to release them. When you'd finish, he'd wrap you in a warm blanket and bring you a steaming cup of tea to soothe your body, holding you for as long as he needed to make you feel better.


Gaara, though not entirely comfortable in handling the emotions of others, displayed a great deal of patience and care whenever he saw you cry. No matter how busy his schedule, he would take as long as you needed to pull yourself back together following whatever had upset you in the first place. Often times, he would sit quietly beside you, swiping away the tears as they fell. In a calm, soothing voice he would talk you through whatever was going on, asking questions so that he understood fully what you were feeling and why. The mere process of talking with him as he comforted you was often enough to pull you out of your tears.


Kiba was an absolute maniac any time he saw you cry. As soon as he saw tears on your face, he'd immediately fire up and ask whose ass he was kicking today, all whilst enveloping you in the tightest, warmest hug you could imagine. The rest of the day he would spend smothering you with affection, making sure your every wish and need was met. You want hot chocolate? He'll even get the little marshmallows and sprinkles on top. You want take-out food? He'll go to five different restaurants and get you every item you want. But most of the time, you just wanted him. He'd wrap you in his arms and pepper you with kisses, telling awful jokes to make you laugh and reminding you how much you mean to him.


Sai was absolutely clueless and most definitely (albeit, unintentionally) insensitive when it came down to comforting you when you were sad. The first few times you cried, he would just stare at you blankly until you were done (or you threw a heavy object at him for being a jackass). After some lengthy conversations about empathy and compassion, he took on a different approach. His curiosity encouraged him to use these moments as opportunities for learning. He'd question you about everything. What caused your sadness? What does it feel like? What will make it better? He found, as a surprise to himself, that he didn't like it when you cried. Not a bit. Yet he couldn't help but find beauty in the tears – the way your eyes would glisten, the shade of your irises brightening, the pink in your cheeks and nose. Even in the most ungodly state of emotion, you were a masterpiece to be admired.


Author's Note. Hey guys! I hope you all had Happy Holidays this month and that you have a positive and prosperous New Year as well! This was just a quick update that I tried to squeeze in before my semester starts back up in a couple weeks. I'm working on a bit of a longer update, but with my motivation levels following that disaster of a semester I've been really struggling with staying on top of writing.

BUT! This is my very last semester of graduate school and then I am DONE in May, forever! I could cry tears of joy.

So please, bear with me for a few months <3

Hope you guys enjoyed, even if it was short!

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