Home For Good [G] - the one in which Laurens comes home from the service

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Requested by Purple_Ghost_1782
I hope you enjoy my ~twist~

word count: 2940

Laurens grinned. He was ecstatic to be able to see his boyfriend again, finally, after the eight months he had been deployed. Hamilton didn't know where—he wasn't allowed to. Hamilton didn't know what things Laurens had seen, what sorts of horrors, the regrets he had about joining up in the first place, the kind of greedy shit the government wanted their soldiers to do. Laurens didn't care. He just wanted to be reunited with Hamilton.

According to their friends, Hamilton had been talking ceaselessly about how excited he was to finally be with his "dashing soldier" (as he had described colorfully to Eliza), in two weeks. But, Laurens had fibbed. He was actually going to be back today, two weeks before expected. All of their friends knew; none of them told Hamilton.

Hamilton, upon getting a letter from his boyfriend that he would be back in New York in a month, immediately cleaned their apartment perfectly. He was too excited to do anything else. He organized all of Laurens' art supplies, canvases, and sketchbooks, and alphabetically ordered the books on their bookshelf. He gave away a bulk of older ones that they had no use for and went online to some used book site to buy more. After all, he'd have to find something new to read for the next three weeks before his boyfriend returned—and then books for him and Laurens to snuggle and read together.

He loved doing that. They would cuddle up in bed or on the ugly green sofa and Hamilton would be laying back against Laurens, between his legs. Laurens would read and Hamilton would read along silently, although he enjoyed the vibrations from Laurens' chest and the warmth of picturing his voice when he read the words in his own head.

He had cleaned out the fridge and cabinets, medicine cabinet, and storages as well. Everything was perfect, yet he continued to clean, despite the three more weeks he had.

Or, so he thought.

Laurens was in his uniform, excited and nervous for Hamilton's reaction to his two-week early return. He got out of the taxi—the driver gave him a nod and salute, and although done wrong, it was well-intended—with his meager luggage and approached the door. There, a pizza delivery boy was waiting. Laurens couldn't help but grin.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting," Laurens said. Luckily, the pizza boy was a friend of Lafayette's. "I'm John. Thank you for doing this for me, it means the world."

"No problem! A friend of the marquis is a friend of mine," the delivery boy said, smiling.

"Okay—I have a key, follow me," Laurens said. He motioned the boy inside after unlocking the door to the building. They hurried up the stairs, and as they did so, Laurens whispered, "He's going to be so excited. Thank you so much for this. When we get to the door, just knock and hold up the boxes. I'll take the ginger ale and the other box like we talked about. Thanks."

"All right, here."

"I'll be around the corner."

The delivery boy approached the correct door, as specified by Laurens, and Laurens hid in the stairwell around the corner.

"Pizza delivery!" the boy called, pressing a small button on the door. After a minute or so the door opened to a suspicious Hamilton.

"It's from 'a friend', paid for in advance," the boy said, pointing to the note on the top of the box. "I'm sorry, Sir, I will be right back, I forgot the soda."

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