Band-Aids - Turning Page

Start from the beginning

    I took a deep breath and opened the door.



    "God." They said in unison.

    "Does it look okay?" I said.

    "You look amazing!" Victoria said.

    "Hair and make-up time!" Savanna said. 

    I sat in the chair they put set up. Victoria started curling my hair with a 1 inch curler and Savanna did my make-up.

    I wasn't paying attention and soon they were all done.

    I looked in the mirror and was in awe. I never really wore make-up so when I did have some on I looked quite different.

    My hair was in soft curls that were facing away from my face. My make-up matched my outfit and it was just absolutely perfect.

    "Wow." I said.

    "I know right?" Victoria said.

    "Okay." Savanna said. "Let's get our dresses on and call Zayn to see when he is here."

    "Okay." I said.

    They closed the bathroom door and I grabbed my phone off the bed. I dialed Zayn's number and he answered quickly.

    "Hello beautiful." He chimed on the phone.

    "Why hello handsome." I said back. "Are you almost ready?"

    "Yes." He said. "I'll be there in about 5 minutes yeah?"

    "Okay," I said. "I'm all ready. The girls are just putting their dresses on right now."

    "I can't wait to see you." He said.

    "We saw eachother like an hour ago." I said.

    "Still. I know you are gonna look amazing for this." He said.

    "Thank you." I replied. "See you in 5?"

    "Yes. I love you." He said.

    "I love you too. Goodbye." I said and hung up.

   I slipped my phone in my bra and turned around quickly to see Savanna and Victoria looking amazing.

    Victoria was wearing a long blue dress that covered some gold strappy heels. The top fo the blue dress had one strap that crossed in a X then connected in the back. The whole dress showed off her model figure well. Her hair was straighten perfectly and parted in the middle. She looked stunning.  

    Savanna was wearing a white cock tail dress. It reached her mid-thigh and she had some white pumps on. The dress was strapless and had a crystal belt around it. Her hair was curled in big curls that fell right below her shoulders. She looked amazing.

    "You girls look amazing." I said.

    "Not as much as you." Savanna said.

    "I'm so excited." Victoria said. "I wish I had a date though."

    "Don't worry. Their will be so many cute guys there." I said.

    "Not as hot as Zayn though." Savanna smirked.

    "He's mine." I joked.

    "Lucky." She muttered.

    "Knock, knock." I heard a voice say. I turned to see Zayn in a very fitted suit. Holy shit. It was jet black with a white button up shirt. His bow-tie was tied perfectly and his dress shoes were so shiny you could probably see you reflection. His hair was in his perfect quiff with his blonde streaks showing up a lot more. He looked sexy as fuck. "Wow. You girls all look beautiful."

    "Thanks." We said.

    "You." He said looking at me up and down. "Look amazing in that color." 

    "Thank you." I said as he kissed my temple real quick.

    "Ready?" He asked.

    "Yes." Victoria said.

    "This way." He said letting us girls go first. I let Savanna and Victoria go and Zayn caught up with me. "You have no idea how amazing you look right now."

    "Not so bad yourself." I said with a smirk.

    We all walked out of the university to be right infront of a huge black limo.

    "Oh my god. I love your boyfriend!" Victoria said running towards the car.

    "I love him too." I said so only Zayn could here.

    "C'mon." He replied opening the door and letting us all in.

    We quickly chatted about about 20 minutes later we pulled up to the place.

    "Okay." Zayn said. "Their is gonna be a bit of paparazzi. So just smile and wave and then yeah."

    "I'm a pro at this." I joked.

    "I know you are babe." He said kissing me real quick as we walked out of the car getting blinded by cameras.

    Zayn's arm tightly around my waist as we all smile at the cameras. I hope they turned out good.

    We eventually made it inside and I lost Victoria and Savanna already. They probably went to find cute guys.

   Zayn introduced me to his friend that was hosting this whole ball. Then I met a few other celebrities that were there. I was praying that Justin wasn't here and he wasn't. 

     Soon the DJ said that a song was requested.

    "May I have this dance?" Zayn asked.

    "Why yes you may." I said taking his hand.

    We made our way to the dance floor and quickly got the spotlight on us. All I was doing was getting lost in his eyes.

I've waited a hundred years. But I'd wait a million for you.

    Zayn sang quietly still staring at me with such gentleness.

Nothing prepared me for what the privilege of being yours would do.

If I had only felt the warmth within your touch.

If I had only seen how you smile when you blush.

    A smile curved on my lips as he smile so angelic like.

Or how you curl you lip when you concentrate enough. 

Well, I would have known what I was living for all along. What I've been living for.

    We swayed back and forth as I felt eyes on us.

Your love is my turning page where only the sweetest words remain.

Every kiss is a cursive line, every touch is a redefining phrase.

     Tears almost welled in my eyes as he sang to me.

I surrender who I've been for who you are for nothing makes me stronger than your fragile heart.

If I had only felt how it feels to be yours.

Well, I would have know what I've been living for all along. What I've been living for along. 

I've been living for.

     He dipped me down and I noticed everyone's eyes on us. I went back up and saw his eyes. I felt his warm breath against me as he sang the last verse.

Though we're tethered, to the story we must tell.

When I saw you, well I knew we'd tell it well with a whisper.

We will tame the vicious scenes like a feather, bringing kingdoms to their knees..

   The rest of the piano played as we both got lost in eachother's eyes. It felt like no one else was watching us.

    It was just me and Zayn. Zayn and I.

Band-Aids (One Direction & Justin Bieber)Where stories live. Discover now