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Everyone's head shot towards the source of the sound. 
The door.

The scream was heard again, and he realized- "H- Gem! Gem?!" No. Not now. Why Hazel?!

This feeling. What was it? Why did he have such a big feeling of dread? Clenching his fist, he looked at the group behind him. What was he supposed to do? Hazel was in trouble, by who knows what. But, Sally was expecting a baby, and there was a banshee to be dealing with.

Why did this have to be happening right now? Grabbing his hair with the both of his hands, he internally screamed. Why? Why?! Why? 

His heart began beating furiously. Everything depended on his decision! 

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry!" he cried at the door and faced the bed again. His eyes burned, but he needed to deal with this situation right now. Two- no maybe even Percy's lives were in danger, and he couldn't just abandon them. "I'm so sorry..."

Clenching his eyes shut, he opened them- a fire ignited. No one was going to die tonight. He'd make sure of that.

"I understand how you feel. Losing someone. Someone that was your whole world. I know it's not fair; not fair that someone else took them away. But you can't make someone else feel the same pain you felt! It's not fair if you do it. You might think you have every right to do this, but you don't!" Looking into her eyes "You really don't," he whispered. 

"What if she dies and does the same thing you do? It'll just be a never-ending cycle of hurt and suffering! You don't have to do this. You know you don't," he reasoned keeping a closed fist over where his heart was. 

Dragging her gnarled hand over her face she moaned. Incomprehensible sounds came out.
Tears began to pour out of her eyes. "My baby. My baby!" Falling to the ground, her dress sent chills through everyone as it settled on the ground. "Why?" she asked. "Why did it have to be my baby?" Why? The exact question that was running through his own head right now. 

Closing his eyes, he responded "I don't know why. Why. It's the biggest question. Why me? Why now. Why did this have to happen? But saying why won't solve anything. It's already happened. We just have to deal with it. We have to be strong and move forward." Big words. He was such a hypocrite, wasn't he?

She let out another scream, shattering both of big windows on the wall, letting in a big gust of cold wind. 

"I guess it was kind of my fault" his eyes widened, she was speaking in normal English, meaning Sally and Percy could understand too. 

"I knew this hospital's reputation. I know the things they did to their patients. But I was a fool and put all my trust in them." Sally covered her mouth, surprised at what she was hearing.

Looking down she wrapped her fingers over her arms, "Yes. The hospital has changed. They've erased everything related to the old one. But- a mother never forgets." and with those final words' she evaporated into white mist. 

After a moment of silence, he announced "She's moved on."

Hazel! He needed to find out what happened to her! Taking a small step towards the door, he was stopped in his tracks when Sally yelled. 

"Mom!" Percy grabbed ahold of his mother's hand

Why? Dragging his hand through his hair, he sighed. 'I'm sorry- but you're going to have to wait a bit longer Hazel.' he thought to himself

He just hoped he wouldn't be too late.

Walking to the bed he looked at Percy "Call the Hospital. Tell them Sally's going into labour."

Hey guys....... DON'T KILL ME

I know this chapter is long overdue. 
To tell the truth, the first reason why the chapter was delayed was because I didn't know who screamed. I ended the chapter that way, but still didn't know.
I only decided yesterday who it was. 

I promise this story is not going on hiatus, nor is it going to be discontinued. 

I can't promise a daily / weekly update schedule. But this time, I promise I'm going to try and update more. 

Random person: But what about your other book ffoodie??

Well......... you're going to have to expect random updated for those too. 
I already updated a message on Believe, so you should read that if you haven't already (It's not going on hiatus)

But- how do you guys' like that cliffhanger?

I tried to pace the story more.... did it work?

I'm probably going to rewrite this book one day. Maybe after a lot more chapters' have been published. I've realized how fast everything happened, and I'm going to try to add more filler, and address any plot holes. 

So see ya later my dudes'

Also- I should have save that gif for when I did something big and evil

Ghost King (hiatus)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora