Chapter 19: Who is That?

Start from the beginning

"Mom, I barely talked to her then. I deserved it too. I kind was kind of a jerk to her at first... Which isn't like me at all." I hesitated, "But after we became friends, I guess things changed." I smiled at the thought of Dae as my girlfriend.

"Ok. But does she know that you are going to have to pretend to date Selena? I still don't get why they are making you do this." My mom asked, a concerned look on her face.

"I told her. She said she was ok with it. I know she trusts me... " I trailed off, looking at my fingers and I fidgeted with my phone.

"She said she's ok with it... Sooner or later it's gonna get to her, you know that, right?" She lectured me. It took time to take in what she was telling me.

"She trusts me mom." Was all I managed to say. I walked up the stairs and went straight to my room, not bothering to change and landed on my bed. I rested my arm over my forehead.

Dae trusted me enough to know there would be nothing between me and Selena. It was strictly publicity and she knew that.

This was alot more complicated than I thought it would be.

I know it sounds really low to say this, but it is good thing that we kept our relationship low-key because if the paparazzi knew I had a been dating Dae, and then I date Selena, who knew what would happen.

Even I was surprised that the paparazzi haven't found out about Dae. Either way. I had to protect her. That was all that mattered to me.



"Hey Justin." I chirped through the phone, a smile sat upon my face. I giggled as I heard Justin on the other end. He was apparently headed out for an album signing today.

"Hey babe. What's up?" He asked, his voice fading as he was being distracted by another voice in the car.

"Who's that?" A girl's voice asked in the background spoke.

Who's that? The voice echoed in my head.

Who is that, I asked myself.

I heard him speak, but it was muffled, and I was unable to understand. He brought his voice back to the speaker. "Hey Dae, I have to go, but I'll text you. Ok?"

"Ok, I love you." I sighed.

"Love you too." And then he hung up.

That voice. That happy-go-lucky, squeaky voice. It sounded... so familiar. But who was it. I couldn't put a finger on it, but it was bothering me. The voice replayed again and again through my head. I just couldn't figure it out.

I let it go for now as I trotted up the stairs and into my room. I plopped onto the bed and lay on my back. I stared at the ceiling as I was in deep thought. I felt my eyelids grow heavier as I drifted off to sleep.


I regained consciousness as I heard faint voice. Someone was calling my name. And the voice was so close. It was coming from right next to me. A pair of lips meet my forehead as I sit up.

"What are you doing here?" I asked Justin groggily. I rubbed my eyes as they adjusted to the light that filled my room from the ceiling fan.

"You mom let me in." He smiled, sitting at the edge of my bed. I sat up and stretched my arms up in the air, enjoying the feeling. Justin placed his arms around me as I did so, his hands stopping at the lowest part of my back. I laughed as he pulled me close. I draped my arms over his shoulders, wrapping my arms around his neck.

I smiled as he brought his lips to mine. "What do you want to do?"

"Actually I had a question." I removed my arms from his neck and placed them in front of me. He let one arm go, but to hold my hand. I laced our fingers together, and looked at them, before I continued.

"Who was that with you on the phone." I asked, curiously. The voice sounded familiar and I wanted to know who it was. But then I regretted it, as I heard the name.

"... I was... I was with Selena. Today was the signing and... when we make our fake relationship publicly official." He quietly spoke. I stared at him, a little shocked, but I should have seen it coming. The voice. It all made sense now. Why didn't I think of it before? And it was obvious, I should have known, especially since Justin told me it would happen soon. But I didn't think it was this soon.

"Oh, ok! I was wondering why the voice sounded so familiar." I managed to get out. He looked at me, scrutinizing my expression. He just smiled and got up, pulling me up and helping me off the bed.

"So what do you want to do?" He asked me. He tilted his head slightly, waiting for my reply.

"Today I don't feel like doing anything." I jokingly sang to him.

"Haha, very funny..." He said sarcastically.

"You know I joke."

"Can we just go to your place and chill?" I pouted my lip and batted my eyelashes. He smiled as he stared back at me.

"Sure. Let's go. If you want you can sleep over." He offered. He reached for my hand and waited for my reply.

"My mom will be out for work late again. Let me just grab my stuff." I let go of his hand and walked over to my closet. I grabbed my backpack and stuffed a pair of grey jogging bottoms, a neon pink t-shirt and a bra and underwear and zipped it up. I made my way back to Justin, grabbing his hand and leading him donwstairs. I locked the door behind me, our hands still laced together.

We walked to his car which was parked out in my driveway. I actually wanted to walk, considering it was really nice and cool out tonight, but Justin needed to bring his car home, so we hopped in. As he drove off down the road, my eyes closed and I fell asleep.

Justin's house wasn't even far... A street down. I guess I was just really tired. A minute later I felt the car pull to a stop, and I slowly opened my eyes, wondering where we were. I was still disoriented, but managed to unbuckle my belt. I was about to get up and out of the door when Justin came over to my side. He slipped an arm around my back and the other under my knees, carrying me bridal style. I wrapped an arm around his neck as I buried my face in his chest.

As he made his way up to the door, I heard it unlock and the door open. He carefully carried me up the stairs and opened the door of his bedroom. Even though I wasn't fully aware at the time, the familiar scent of his cologne filled the room, tingling my senses.

He placed me gently on his bed, shoving my bag next to the night stand. I felt Justin climb into the bed, slightly making the bed move. He placed a blanked over me and scooted so that he was behind me. I could feel my back press against his chest as we were in spooning position. He just held me close, his arm resting around my side to my stomach meeting with my hand. He intertwined our hands together, and I could feel his breath as he whispered into my ear.

"I love you." I smiled hearing those last three words before I finally fell sleep.

© 2012 ILLUKEMINATl. All Rights Reserved


Sorry it's short! I have to go to bed because I'm waking up early for school again... -__-

Anyways, I wanted to upload so I could get Chapter 19 in here. At least it was something, right? I can't believe I am almost at 20 chapters! I am going to do all my homework tomorrow when I get home and then I am going to upload a couple chapters or as much as I can tomorrow until Sunday! I am pumped for this LEGGOHHHHHHH.

Sorry... Random outburst. :)

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