Chapter 4 - Fearless

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I opened my eyes and stretched. It was still pretty late at night but I was really thirsty. Quietly I made my way out of my room towards the stairs.

"Jazey..." A quick whisper.

I turned around quickly but saw nothing. I could tell my heart picked up. Ignoring all my thoughts I headed down stairs. For some reason the dark kitchen seemed just, wrong. I flicked on the lights and screamed. A dead corpse sat on the floor, it's skin decaying and it's eyes sockets empty. I stumbled back hardly able to breath.

"Jazey..." it whispered again but closer.

I took off running out the door but didn't make it far. Something had grabbed my ankle and took me to the ground. The thing attached to my ankle was another decaying body. But this one was still alive and had me in a firm grip.

"Save us." I shrieked in a decrepit voice.

I brought up my other leg and kicked its arm. The arm completely detached from the body and I was running again.

"Jazey..." the whispered came right in my ear sending a shiver down my spine, "do you fear death? Or do you just fear those who are dead..."

I gasped and turned around. My knee twisted and I fell hard to the ground. My head hit first and the world flashed white for a brief second. When the world returned I was sitting on my drive way with the sun already in the sky.

I put my head between my legs and hugged my knees. It was just a dream I repeated over in my head. Something warm dripped down my check and I lifted my hand up. I already knew that the substance was blood. I guess I hit my face on the ground when I fell. I stood up and started to walk towards the house. Well so much for a goodnight sleep.

I walked through the already opened from door and into the kitchen. I grabbed a cloth and wet it. Wincing as I held it to my cut and bruised cheek. Night time is my kryptonite. Being absolutely fearless durning the day and turning into a shaking baby during the night. Ever since my father passed away they started. Horrible nightmares were I couldn't tell if I was awake or asleep.

"Well your up early Jazey." my mother said as she walked downstairs, "did you go for a run? You look tired."

I turned and looked at her with a forced smile, "I was running from something, but then I tripped."

She raced over to my and looked at my check. Her arms circled me and I was pulled into a motherly hug, "are you ok?" She asked softly.

"mom I'm fine. Just a little scratch and a very harsh cardio walk up." I whispered back to her.

She let go and pulled back, "do you want to tell me what happened?"

My mind flashed back to the created on the ground, "let's just say that I'm terrified of the dead."

I hurried out of the back door onto the deck. Today was day one of X-game training. First I needed a set of tricks to work towards. I know I needed at least five if I was competing in FMX women's best trick. Kiss of Death, Superman, Lazyboy, Backflip and Heel clicker. All interesting stuff but I needed something more. Like a no handed Shaolin or a McMetz. I was just starting to get irritated when my phone ran.

"Hello?" I grumbled not checking the ID.

"You ok Z? Sound a little pissed off." the laughing voice of my best friend, Alexander

"don't test me! I'm trying to come up with a list of tricks for my next competitions and I'm being followed by the god damn dead now!" I yelled falling to the ground.

"look Z just come over to my house. Forget about the competition and have a few drinks at my party tonight." he replied happily through the phone.

"you know I don't drink. Plus high school party? I don't even go to school! I know maybe five people from your school." I groaned.

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