Chapter 2 - Introducing Jazey Zink #197

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I lifted my bike back onto the stand and took my helmet. I walk to my tent with a uge smile on my face.

"I didn't know that a backflip was part of you moves," Mike said smiling.

"it wasn't," I said chugging down some water. I wiped the corner of my mouth, "first time I've ever landed it."

Mike smiled at me, "well congratulations kid,"

"thanks" I said taking of my jersey and chest protector.

I pulled the jersey back on and started to head to where my mom and brother would be standing. I knew for a fact my mom was going to be a little angry, or rather shaken up that I did that without telling her. I was just about her when I heard someone calling my last name. A middle aged women walked up to me with a smile on your face.

"are you Jazey Zink?" she asked.

"yep that's me. And you are?" I replied grinning.

"I'm Madison Grace from Redbull TV and I was wondering if you would like to do a interview with us." she said gesturing to the camera man who followed up behind her.

I nodded in agreement and stood beside here with a smile on my face.

"Hi, I'm Madison Grace from Redbull TV and today I am here in Edmonton Alberta at one of the largest charity events every hosted in motocross history. With a wide arrangement of skilled riders in both Freestyle motocross and Supercross. But today I am joined with a young girl who just amazed the audience with an unexpected Kiss of Death and a Backflip." she turned to me, "so Jazey let's start off with just a introduction."

"Hey everyone. My name is Jazey Zink number 197. I'm 16 years old. Umm and I am a FMX rider." I said the last part like a question.

"so Jazey, why number 197? Is there any importance behind it?" she asked slightly tilting her head.

"actually there is. My father, Rob Zink, was number 97 when he raced rally cars. And, well, after he past away I guess I took up his number in honor of him." I shuffled my feet and took a deep solid breath to calm down.

"that is very sweet of you." Madison said with a genuine smile, "so a backflip. At the young age of 16 and might I also add the youngest girl to ever pull one off."

"ok let me start off by saying I probably would have never tried it if Jolene Van Vugt didn't land it first. She inspired me to go above what the average 'girl' tricks." excitement bubbled inside of me as I talked about one of my greatest inspirations, "I think the hardest part about the Backflip is having full confidence that you can land it. After you get over the initial fear, well it is just easy basic movements."

Madison smiled at the response I gave her, "So that's it folks. Just basic movements. Well thanks for the time Jazey and good luck with your up coming career."

Grinning as usual I said thanks and headed back towards my mom. Her and my brother were watching the event with interest as Seth pulled up for his run. I jogged the last couple of steps and threw my arms around my unsuspecting mother.

"Mom I'm sorry if I scared you!" I yelled over the crowed and bikes.

"Don't you ever do that again!" she growled hugging me hard, "I hate that damn Kiss of Death trick! It just about killed you the first time!"

"Mom it was nothing more than a broken shoulder blade." I chuckled.

She let go an leaned back looking right into my eyes, "just a broken shoulder blade? What about the blood transfusions and the concussion and the surgery and broken ribs and the metal plates and all the screws!" she yelled.

"But I lived and I'm healthy as a horse." I replied grabbing her face, "yes I kissed death once and I really don't want to again. But that just made me stronger!" I joked.

Chris interrupted, "plus she was still trying to make jokes on the way to the hospital while she was pretty much knocked out. She is just like Dad, Mom. Tell her one thing she will do another."

Smiling at Chris' words I fell down into one of the lawn chairs. The adrenaline rush was starting to fade and a dull pulse had restarted in my shoulder. No matter how much I worked on that stupid thing it always hurt after riding. The doctor said that it was the movement and the jarring that hurt is. I think it is just a reminder of the mistake I made. Keep a fir grip on handlebars when you upside down and vertical in the air.

I watched the next few runs with mild interest. My mind had wondered to Travis Pastrana who was just standing at the Redbull tent. He probably wasn't that amazed by what I had accomplished because to him those are pretty simple moves. But the thought of the Travis Pastrana watching me ride made me happy. Before long my mind slipped to the idea of being part of the Nitro Circus crew. Being able to work side by side with my heroes Travis and Jolene. I was so into my little world I didn't even see Max, Mom, Chris and Ken talking. This was another one of my faults. I tend to disappear into a little world of planing and scheming. Like gauging wether I could pull off a trick or if it would leave me to broken.

Then i started to wonder if I could pull of a front flip. I mean Jim DeChamp, a BMX biker, pulled it off one a full sized dirt bike. A FMX riders should be able to too. My thoughts on how to do it were cut short when my world tipped backwards. I struggled to catch myself which just resulted in my face hitting the ground before my arms. I rolled myself out of the chair and glared at my brother.

"What the hell was that for?" I growled rubbing my cheek.

"Maybe if you listen to people once and a while I wouldn't tip your chair over dumb ass." Chris replied crossing his arms and looking down at my slightly smaller frame.

I turned my gaze to Max and Ken and suddenly felt nervous again. Ken raced with my dad when I was younger and he held a very idol like statue in my mind.

"H-hey?" I said running a hand through my long messy brown hair.

"Ken here wants you to come meet someone. He said that you two would make good enemies." Max chuckled slightly pushing me towards Ken.

"Come on Zink." Ken said was I fell into step beside him, "so you decided not to follow Rob into Rally cars hey?"

I shrugged before replying in a nervous voice, "I never really learn to drive them. I just got my license like a month ago so technically I could start but I don't really have time."

"well if you want to ever learn I have a open bed at my house for you," he said smiling down at me. I'm sure he found my dumbstruck expression just endearing, "Me and Rob were really good friends and I know he wanted to teach you. He said you had a talent when it came to cars and bikes. So consider this a fair well present to him."

I really couldn't help but laugh, "this would be a pretty good 'fair well' present to the old man."

I know it seems harsh that I can semi joke about my father only three short years after his death. But he always told me that the past is not something to dwell on. My father was a pretty rough man, but under all that scary guy act was the most loving and motivational person ever. And I am more than happy to be his daughter.

Ken turned to look at me breaking me from my little world, "ok so you got all of that right?"

"Umm... Maybe?" my response was less than intelligent.

"Redbull wants to possibly sign a contract with you. So you are going to talk to one of their top riders." he said shaking his head.

I stood the dumbstruck again. What was with today! A possible Redbull sponsorship and an offer at rally car driving Ed? This was a really crazy dream.

Ken guided my into the tent and turned to walk away, "he'll be in soon just sit still k?"

Then he was gone. I sat there fiddling with my thumbs. I tried to plan it what I would say depending on their questions. I glanced up when I heard some laughing and my jaw dropped at who walked in.

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