Chapter Six

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The day ended at 5:00 with our toes and fingers looking like raisins, and all of us had an awesome tan-bordering-on-sunburn. We dried off inside, then brought out all the supplies for our cookout. Hot dogs, buns, cooking sticks, firewood, matches, relish, cheese, onions, potato salad, chips, fruit salad, fresh watermelon slices, Canada Day decorated cupcakes (courtesy of Ethan’s mom), marshmallows, chocolate, graham crackers, and of course, 2 cases of beer. I also found a bottle of tequila in the cooler, added to the supplies by Ethan without my knowledge. Lauren and Mahira took over setting up the campfire. Soon enough, they had the fire going, and we were roasting hot dogs and piling them high with whatever toppings we brought. There was lots of eating, chatting and laughing. Even Mahira had a few drinks with us, by her own choice. When it got dark enough, we got to see all the neighbors setting off their fireworks to celebrate Canada’s birthday. It was a wonderful night. After dinner I brought out my guitar and took requests. Soon everyone was singing and dancing along to my Matchbox 20, but I still don’t know if that was because of the alcohol or not. I couldn’t tell what time it was, but at some point late in the evening, Roger had an idea.

“Hey guys, I have an idea for a game we can play. Everyone sit down at the picnic table, I’ll be right back.” He dashed inside and came out with a Jenga box.

“Jenga? Really?” Mahira said, clearly unimpressed.

“Not just any Jenga, dirty Jenga!” Roger said with a mischievous grin.

“Ugh, no way. These games are always lame.” I said.

“C’mon Audrey, it’ll be fun!” Roger persuaded. Everyone seemed to want to try it, so I gave in. Who was I to spoil the party?

“Here’s how it works,” Roger explained, “we set up the Jenga pieces. Everyone takes turns pulling a piece out and performing the action on it. We’ll spin this beer bottle to determine who they do the action with. Make sense? We’ll go counter clockwise, starting with me.” He pulled out a block. It said ‘take off shirt for entire game’. “Well that’s an easy one!” Roger said, happily yanking his shirt off. “Mahira! You’re next!”

She pulled out a block that said ‘kiss whoever is on your left’. I’m not sure if anyone else could tell, but I could see Roger was blushing like mad. So was Mahira in fact. “Well, let’s just get it over with...” She said.

“Agreed...” Roger said. She placed her hands on his shoulders, and he placed his on her hips. Their lips met, and we all cheered. We thought it was going to be a quick peck, but their lips were still locked after 15 seconds.

“Uhm hello? Did you guys forget about us?” I asked, snapping them out of it.

“Sorry! Uhm I think Ethan is next right?” Mahira quickly changed the subject.

Ethan nervously pulled out a block. It read ‘twerk 30 seconds’. “Oh c’mon guys do I really have to do this?” He asked.

“You’re part of the group who wanted to play!” I said.

“Ugh, fine. Someone time me.” Ethan said, getting up and standing on the patio.

“Ready?” Lucas asked. “Go!”  Ethan did some pretty good twerking for a white boy, I’d say.

Next was Lauren. She got ‘lick someone’s neck’.  “Does it count if I lick my finger first?” She asked.

“No way! That’s cheating.” Ethan winked at her.

She spun the bottle. It landed on Lucas.

“Ewwwwww!” I teased. Lucas slapped me in the arm.

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