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Months later, my birthday came. Like all my other birthdays, I was practically alone. Ka Kobun took me into Rakushou's merchant district to look for a gift, but my heart wasn't in it. He exhibited luxurious dresses, finely made dolls, sparkling jewelry, and fragrant perfumes. None of it slaked my longing. All I truly wanted was to see my friend.

When he'd nearly given up and was about to take me home, I finally spoke up.

"I want peaches."

"Peaches? Why on earth would you want something as plain as that?"

"Because...Judar-nii likes them."

"Ah, I see. I think I know just the thing."

He brought me to a fancy restaurant, where the air was filled with delectable, sweet scents. He told me it was a fine dining establishment that specialized in baked goods and desserts. He ordered for me, and then a short while later I was presented with a cast iron skillet full of something cake-like. Amidst the rich scent of buttery caramel, cinnamon, and nutmeg, I detected the unmistakable smell of that luscious yellow fruit.

"This is a peach cobbler, your highness. I hope it's to your liking. Go ahead, dig in."

I tasted the warm dessert, and it was better than any birthday cake I'd ever had. The familiar flavor of the yellow fruit brought those few cherished times I had spent with my friend flooding back to me. I made a silent vow to enjoy peach cobbler with him when he returned.

Before I knew it, I was welling up again. I rubbed my eyes.

"Thank you, Ka Kobun. Thank you so much. This is perfect."

"Of course your highness. Anything at all for your happiness. I want you to know that I understand what it's like to be lonely and miss your friend. I had to leave behind many of my friends to come and work in the palace with you, after all. I love my job, but sometimes I miss the people I had been close with growing up."

One of the vassals accompanying us jeered him. "Friends? You, Ka Kobun? The only people you've ever been close to are the ones you stabbed in the back or sucked up to!"

"Shut up, you!"

I laughed for the first time in a while. Even though it was at his expense, Ka Kobun seemed content that I had finally cheered up.

Once I had finished my peach cobbler and it was cleared away, Kobun placed a small box tied with a pretty red cord in front of me.

"I actually took the liberty of choosing a gift for you, princess. You're old enough now to begin your tutelage. I wanted to commemorate the occasion, and pledge to you that I shall do my best to give you the finest education possible, befitting a member of the Ren royal family."

I was taken aback. It was the first time I had really been presented with an actual birthday gift. I'd had plenty of birthdays where things were bought for me, but never had someone decide on their own to give me a gift. The only thing that had come close was when Judar brought me a peach.

"Well? Go on, open it."

I delicately untied the cord around the decorative wooden box. He'd had my name and a motif of flowers and butterflies etched into the wood by a skilled artisan. I opened the lid on its hinges, and there inside the box nestled in a velvety cushion was an elegant gold hair pin. Cresting the pin was a large, glimmering ruby set in a delicately fashioned gold flower and butterfly wing.

Momoko [Judar X Kougyoku]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon