Eddie Brock/Venom Add on

Começar do início

You love Iron Man and Black Panther


Contacts on each other's phones:

Yours: My Hero and his Asmr Slime

His: Tiny Human


Texting One another:

My Hero and his Asmr Slime: Kid where are You?

Tiny Human: in-class writing an apology letter to the teacher

My Hero and his Asmr Slime: what? Why?

Tiny Human: I told him off about something else that was wrong and he got mad and sent me to the principal who just sent me back to class and the teacher made me stay to write an apology letter to him.

My Hero and his Asmr Slime: That's stupid

Tiny Human: That's what I said! But he won't let me leave so when he leaves for the bathroom I'm climbing out the window

My Hero and his Asmr Slime: don't hurt yourself doing so, but I'll be there to get you.

Tiny Human: alright dad.


First day of High school:

You woke up two hours late, so Eddie let you stay home, then sent you to school the next day


You in an Accident:

You were hit by a car, I mean it was kinda your fault since you weren't really paying attention but the driver came back and followed you, hitting you another two times, they drove on the sidewalk just to hit you the other two times.

When they were about to hit you the third time, Venom jumped down from a building flipping the car away. You had to sit down because you were laughing way too hard at that.


Your Powers:

You came across a symbiote (Scream), so you took care of it.


You find out your powers:

As mentioned above, you have a symbiote, Scream to be specific, Eddie and Venom weren't very happy about it but let you keep it since you could use it to protect yourself.


Your Post Snap Fate:

hA, you thought! You don't have one


Your Parents Post Snap Fate:

He doesn't have one


Who's side are your on in CA:CW:

You were on Iron Man's side since he was your favorite Avenger after all.


Which InfinityStone you'd have:



Your Post Snap Fate Extended:

You don't have an Extended fate, you didn't go through it.


Your Sexuality:



Stupid/Fun stuff you two have done:

You both ended up blowing up a microwave five times since you and Eddie both stupidly listened to Venom and Scream and you both do Karaoke.


You Get Bullied:

You don't.  Simple. You have a symbiote, so the first time Scream made her appearance, people were scared and didn't bother you.

Marvel Parent Preferences Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora