To Christmas Hunting We Go

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Samantha stared down at the festive lights that was already being lit up by every house in every street and in every corner.

Where on Earth were they gonna find someone they can...well...hunt?

Her gaze went to Krampus who scanned the area with his eyes narrowing. Silence reigned from the back of the sleigh as they all watched Krampus scan the houses before his eyes gleamed and pointed one claw over a house filled with lights outside but on the inside...the place was dim.

The elves cheered on at the chosen house while Samantha prayed for forgiveness for doing this.

"Samantha, ich möchte dir etwas zeigen."

Krampus led her to a window where it was covered by icicles and peered through a window. Samantha followed and saw a rather large family dining together.

A normal family dinner.

Samantha gave Krampus a confused look when he pointed to a small boy talking to his cousins.

"Sehen Sie, was mit denen passiert, die die wahre Bedeutung von Weihnachten vergessen"

To Samantha's horror, the young boy began arguing with the stout kid, must be a relative, and began throwing food and punches at each other.

It wasn't long before the parents tried to separate them and then began a new argument of whose kid's fault it was.

"Ich komme hierher, um sicherzustellen, dass niemand so etwas Unartiges auf der ganzen Welt verbreitet"

Now Samantha understand. This being, born out of everything that was just considered as the devil himself, merely wanted to stop spreading the hate and loss of the Spirit of Christmas in the only way he can.

"How can I help?"

Samantha asked as she hesitantly placed a hand on Krampus' shoulder. A glint formed in his face when he explained the plan to her.

Samantha could only guess what tricks the elves and Krampus had in store for this family.


A loud and frantic knocking on the door made the arguing family pause as the father cautiously went to the door and opened it only to see a young woman wearing an overly large coat.

" you have food?"

Samantha bit her lip to keep on saying anything as the man ran his eyes over her in apprehension. It was the classic look anyone would give to strangers.

"Harold bring the girl in she's freezing!"

"When did this blizzard started anyways?!"

Samantha peered to see a young woman in her mid forties pulling out Christmas treats as the man, probably her husband, let her in.

"Who's that?"

Samantha's gaze went to a guy in her age looking at her with a dark gaze as he sat down in the sofa. That look gave her chills that were not the same ones that Krampus gave her.

"This is..."

"Samantha Wilson"

Samantha quickly answered, looking away from the guy that was still looking at her.

"Well Samantha why aren't you at home with your parents?"

At the mention of parents, Samantha felt small tears gather as she sniffed "They...uh...they're gone" Silence hushed over the family before the mother frowned.

"You have no family? Your an orphan?"

Samantha didn't say anything. The only family she had now were the creature living in one of the coldest continents in the world and kidnaps children and parents this night for goodness sake!

"Orphan eh..."

Samantha jumped when she felt an arm wrap around her waist "No wonder you look like you had no where to go" Samantha grimaced and held back the urge to call out for Krampus.

"Well then Samantha, how about you have dinner with us"


The storm was brewing harder than before and it wouldn't take long for Samantha to know the entire block would be covered in snow.

"The winter's falling hard this season"

Helen mumbled and the boy beside her, John, couldn't help but quip "Maybe it just comes to show that Santa would not be handing Timmy presents" Timmy let out an indignant look at his cousin before turning towards his brother who was uncomfortably close to Samantha.

"Jax, leave her alone. You always keep on harassing girls whenever you see one"

"Timothy, that's not nice to talk to your brother"

Samantha could feel the growing tension start again but before anything could happen there was a huge sound that almost shook the place before the lights flickered on and off in a frenzy.

It didn't take long for the house to be in complete darkness.



Samantha, ich möchte dir etwas zeigen. - Samantha, I want to show you something.

Sehen Sie, was mit denen passiert, die die wahre Bedeutung von Weihnachten vergessen - Look and see what happens to those who forget the true meaning of Christmas

Ich komme hierher, um sicherzustellen, dass niemand so etwas Unartiges auf der ganzen Welt verbreitet - I come here to make sure no one would spread something as naughty as this to the whole world

The Christmas Devil's Bride (2nd Book Of The Krampus Series)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon