A Jolly Visit

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What Samantha had learned ever since she was living under Krampus' home was that they barely had any visitors. Mainly because of the harsh weather and the fact that Krampus was the Christmas Devil.

So, it was to her great surprise that Phyrra had informed her that a visitor was coming which was oddly suspicious.

"We rarely have visitors here Phyrra"

Samantha pointed out and Phyrra shrugged her shoulders "Ich habe keine Ahnung, wer eine Geliebte besucht, aber wer immer zu Besuch kommt, macht den Meister ein bisschen ... zufrieden?" Phyrra made it sound like a question and less of a statement.

Samantha nodded before standing up and made her way out with Phyrra following close behind her.

Elves saw her pass by and some greeted her in grunts and waves which Samantha was getting accustomed too.

Phyrra and Samantha had reached the entrance of the lair when the sound of tinkling bells and the smell of sugar caught her nose from the outside.

Before she or Phyrra could even process who was now at the entrance, Krampus was immediately beside her. Samantha took note that Krampus wasn't wearing his dark red coat and realized how...lean he was when he wasn't wearing it.

Big, pounding footsteps could be heard and Samantha heard the cheers and screams of the elves behind her as the figure of a stout man appeared.

What Samantha hadn't expected was the loud laughter of the figure in front of her. It was loud but it sent a feeling of excitement of happiness in her stomach.

"Krampus! Long time no see old friend"

Phyrra saw her master grimace at the old friend word as if he was being reminded how old he was.

Samantha blinked and looked back and forth between the rosy red smiling man and the grimacing Christmas Devil.

Something clicked on her mind.

"Oh My Christmas Hind! You're Father Christmas!"

The stout man turned around and faced her with a bright smile. Wisdom and happiness was all Samantha could see in his baby blue eyes that brightened up like diamonds.

"And who might you be?"

Samantha was still gaping before she snapped out of her shock, coughed and bowed "My name is Samantha...wife of Krampus..." From the corner of her eye, and emotion she cannot decipher passed by Krampus' eyes before they were gone like they have never been there before.

Father Christmas, or as most children call him Santa Claus, patted her head before turning his attention to Samantha with a frown.

"Is she one of those wives that will go down the underworld?"

Samantha's eyes went wife before turning her eyes to Krampus with a sharp look and a little bit of fear.

Krampus glared at the man in warning for scaring his future wife. He hadn't told her yet about the other chosen ones who ended up being their next dinner.

Samantha was beginning to doubt Krampus. Were there others like her?

Krampus gazed at her expressionless before nodding at Phyrra to leave him and Father Christmas be.

Samantha numbly followed Phyrra out with her head down.

How many where here before me?

Samantha frowned before she pulled out of her thoughts by Phyrra "Bist du in Ordnung Herrin?" Samantha nodded.

"I am just...will Krampus throw me to the underwold?"

Phyrra gave her a horrified look from behind that it would almost appear like a twisted frown and a grin.

As far as Phyrra knows, the other girls he brought with him were filled with hearts so dark and they never were even close to possess the kind of soul Samantha has.

A pure soul with a little bit of darkness.

A perfect soul match for her master.

"Sie sind nicht wie du" Phyrra said and Samantha smiled and nodded before heading to the library.

Phyrra waited until her mistress was settled before she quietly left her side to see her master and talk to him.

Not as a servant but as a fellow companion.


Samantha woke up when she felt the coldness seeping through her back. She didn't even have to look back to know it was him.

"You know what I am going to ask..."

Was the first thing Samantha said and she heard him breath in and how, creating a small puff of air that travelled in front of her.

Samantha stiffened when she felt his claws lightly drag from her arm, like a ghostly touch to her hand where the blood red ring nestled lightly in her ring finger.

"Du musst nicht wissen, wie viele vor dir waren. Sie können dich nicht mit ihnen vergleichen"

Samantha had no clue as to what he was saying but judging his own body language and the way his murderous blood red eyes were staring at her...

Samantha boldly raised a hand up and drew his face above her forehead.

Krampus breathed in and out deeply, Samantha shivered from the coldness he was creating until he lit the fire up with a flick of his hand.

"Begleite mich..."

Samantha whispered and Krampus suddenly scooted away from her. Samantha quickly grasped his clawed hand.

"I meant...if you could join me in reading a book...about you and your kind"

Samantha said feeling her cheeks turning a nice shade of rosy red. From the corner of her eye, she swore she saw a hint or maybe...a ghost of a smile in Krampus' face.

It couldn't be! It was just her imagination and the heat of the moment.


Phyrra and Father Christmas watched the two settle down and began to read beside the fireplace.

"I hope he treats her well. Ich habe ihn noch nie so ... entspannt gesehen"

Father Christmas said with a twinkle in his eye and a big smile on his face. Phyrra smiled as she look at her master and soon to be mistress.

She could already see them together.

"Ich hoffe so, Weihnachtsmann"



Ich habe keine Ahnung, wer eine Geliebte besucht, aber wer immer zu Besuch kommt, macht den Meister ein bisschen ... zufrieden? - I have no idea who is visiting mistress but whoever is visiting is making master a bit...pleased?

Bist du in Ordnung Herrin? - Are you alright mistress?

Sie sind nicht wie du - They are not like you

Du musst nicht wissen, wie viele vor dir waren - You do not have to know how many were before you.

Sie können dich nicht mit ihnen vergleichen - They can not compare you to them

Begleite mich - Join me

Ich habe ihn noch nie so ... entspannt gesehen - I have never seen him so...relaxed before.

Ich hoffe so, Weihnachtsmann - I hope so, Santa Claus

The Christmas Devil's Bride (2nd Book Of The Krampus Series)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora