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Samantha could literally feel bruises that will be sore in the morning as she was having a hard time finding her balance from Krampus' rather rough sleigh ride. The elves and his minions would laugh and cheer at every twist and turns Krampus would make and it only worsened the nauseated feeling of Samantha.

The cold winds greeted her skin harshly and she gritted her teeth and sniffed before huddling herself to get warm and also to get some rest. Krampus had taken her along his horror ride to take each family from around the world who had lost their Christmas hope and many times she had asked him to spare at least one family in each town and city.

Which he roughly declined.

Once she heard the last victim give a horrified scream which will forever haunt her in her dreams, Samantha opened her eyes to see nothing but Krampus and his followers as if nothing ever happened. Krampus turned to look at his second in command, Ketkrókur, and spoke in the language Samantha has yet to understand.

"Uns vorbereiten, nach Hause zu gehen" Krampus growled and Ketkrókur nodded before turning to his fellow elves and gave a series of cackles and grunts before Samantha saw them cheer and grew confused at their sudden happiness.

"Where are we going?" Samantha asked but no one answered her as Krampus placed his sack filled with twisted toys and everyone clambered aboard that the sleigh rocked sideways. Samantha had just huddled herself just in time to feel once again the biting feeling of the harsh cold winds on her body. She saw the dead city void with life and felt a pang in her body.

She watched it until it disappeared in the clouds and saw nothing but the raging sea. Samantha looked forward and saw what it looked like an Island devoid of any life only for her to realize that they were heading to the North Pole.

"Are we going to your home?" Samantha asked which was drowned out by the howling winds and Krampus didn't say anything but simply gave a hidden smile as they roughly glided through the winds and Samantha found herself entering a cave and was amazed how...ancient looking Krampus' home is.

As the sleigh began to stop, Krampus was the first to go down before he waited for Samantha. The elves looked at her and the said girl immediately stepped down the sleigh to the wooden floor boards. Her nose smelled the incense candles of Christmassy scents and it calmed her a bit in living here.

While Krampus had immediately went to his workshop, he had ordered Gluggagaegir to help their future queen find her quarters that was merely two doors away from his own which is where she will be sleeping in if they get married.

As Gluggagaegir and Samantha walked down the dimly lit pathway, Samantha eyed the beautiful yet horrifyingly decorated place with demented looking Christmas decorations.

Krampus really does live up to his word as the Christmas Devil. He even brought it along at his home.

Despite the circumstances, Samantha hadn't felt cozy since the ride and her body was protesting to go to sleep and she was glad that Glug what's - his - name was taking her to her supposed bedroom. She was stunned to see the bedroom very warm, toasty and must she say...very warm enough to sleep.

She gave the elf a grateful smile and Gluggagaegir felt himself wanting to cheer for someone finally appreciating even the simplest of things he does. Perhaps this one could actually enlighten his master's black and cold heart which he and the other elves would love to see aside from punishing young children.

A breath of fresh air could deal with this place.

As the elf left to give Samantha privacy, the said girl literally jumped in the olden but fluffy bed and sighed with relief before letting herself dream on what was to become of her as the months follow and sooner or later she will have to face the fact that this will be an adventure she will always remember in nightmare and fantasy.



Uns vorbereiten, nach Hause zu gehen - prepare ourselves to go home

The Christmas Devil's Bride (2nd Book Of The Krampus Series)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat