Chapter 8

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Mya P.O.V.  

I awoke in Zion's arms. We were both sweaty from the night before. My head rested on his chest that was slowly moving up and down. I tried to get out of his grasp but it grew tighter.

"Where you think you going, mama?" I jumped at the sound of his voice. 

"I- I thought you were sleep." I murmured. 

He unwrapped his arms from around me and placed his hands on his head. I realized I still was dressed up and still had make- up on that was probably everywhere. My skin's going to be shi-


I turned my head towards Zion who was lead against the window. "uh...yeah? "

"Damn, I eat you out one time and you lose your hearing. My tongue game hella crazy," he smirked.

I tugged on my dress out of being nervous and looked down. I was ashamed...wondering if I should've even let him come back into my life. I got out of my thoughts and frowned at Zion's words. 

"What? Don't act like you didn't love it." he said wiping his bottom lip.

At this point, I was done with Zion's cockiness. I climbed to the front and let my self out grabbing my things on the way to the house. Before I get any closer I felt a familiar hand grab my arm. 

"Mya," he said softly. "I was kidding bab-"

"ZION, JUST FUCK OFF!" I yelled.

He released my arms and sighed. "What's going on with us? We were just good last night, now you hate me again."

I didn't answer though. I just knocked on the door and waited for one of the boys to answer.

I felt Zion's eyes burning into my back. Footsteps could be heard from the other side of the door. My eyes landed on Austin who embraced me in a hug as soon as he saw me. 

"Hey, where you been love?" Austin said looking at me in the eye. 

"I just was...out"

Austin then let me go and his eyes moved to Zion. We stood silent for a while til' Austin decide to speak. "What do you want?

"Just let me in." (see what I did there *wink wink*) Zion said. "please."

Austin whispered in my ear. "Go inside and don't come out. Things might get messy"

As much as I didn't want to listen to the words I did. I got washed up while Austin and Zion were outside.


Zion's P.O.V.

Austin whispered into Mya's ear and let her in the house. He shut the door behind him before watching her in. He then made his way over to me without a smile. 

"What Z?" 

"Damn, nice to see you too," I said.

"Look I don't know why the hell you're doing here but when the boys get back there not going to be so happy to see you. So...I suggest you leave." 

"What the hell are you talking 'bout?" I barked. 

"Z, I'm not telling you anything. If the boys wanna tell you then that's there business." Austin stated crossing his arms.

At this point, I didn't give a shit. I grabbed him by his collar and slammed him against my car door. "Listen up, Porter. You're going to tell what the fuck is going on or I'm going to slam your head right through this fucking window with no regrets. I'll ask you again." I said tightening my grip. "What the hell are you talking about?" 

Austin swallowed the lump in his throat and pushed me away. "Fine, you dick. The guys decided you're out the group. You can't stay here. You're canceled. It's only BEAN now." 

I clenched my jaw at Austin's words. "They can't do that. I'm not leaving. You're all just mad at me so you want to kick me ou-"

"No Zion." Austin interrupted. "They were serious. The boys are done with you always causing problems. Simon's sick of hearing sit. They told me there were going to show him what you've been causing. You know Simon isn't on social media so he hasn't quite seen how problematic you are." 

I stood there dumbfounded. I've known these guys for about 3 years and it was all coming to an end because of my dumbass. I shouldn't have drunk that night. I should've stayed off my phone. I should've stopped posting everything that came to mind.

"w-what about you?" I said tugging on my earlobe. "You're telling Simon too?"

I watched Austin sigh and put his hand in his pockets. "For fuck's sake, I don't know. Z, you're like a brother to me but I can't have you fucking people up every time you're mad. You always become abusive and I've noticed it. You hit Mya. You just tried to hurt me and let's not forget the fan incident." 

"I-I'm sorry. I'm trying to change just- give me a chance...please."

"It'snot up to me Zion. They decided without e. I believe they're headed to Simon's now."

My breathing pattern was now rapid and my chest was heavy. Out of anger without thinking I punched my car window.


Austin's P.O.V.

I watched as Zion punched his car window in. The glass shattered on the ground and he was now breathing rapidly. I instantly walked closer and gave him a hug. There he cried. I could tell Zion needed love. There he cried. 

"I have nowhere to go Porter...nowhere."  he sobbed

"Zion don't do this. You have famil-"

"No Porter!"he barked pushing me off of him. "My family hates me. They're disappointed in me. Especially my fucking parents. I haven't talked to any of them since the video incident happened. I've been staying in this dumb car for the past few days." 

A car then slowed down in front of the house and it wasn't any of the boys. The tinted windows rolled down which revealed four black men.

"Y'ALL NIGGAS GAY!" One shouted followed by laughter. those words triggered Zion. That's when I saw fire in Zion's eyes. At the moment Zion didn't care. He made his way towards the car with anger. I tried to hold him back but it was no use. 

Just then a gunshot went off. 


A/N: I'm changing the name of this book to Triggered so... say Good Bye 'Keep it'

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