Chapter 6

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 "Why would you park right here when the park is literally the next turn?" Brandon asked.

"I wanna surprise him," Edwin says as he puts the car in park. He swings his door open aggressively and power walks towards supposedly Zion's location. 

"EDWIN NO!"  I shouted. "Can't we just talk to him first at least?" 

Edwin sighed and put his hands in his pocket. "Zion doesn't get it, Mya. He won't stop unless you hurt him physically and mentally."

"I'm not hurting him, Edwin. That's not me." 

"Then I'll fucking do it." he barked.

"You know what, fuck you! You don't want to help me you just want revenge."

"NO, I DON'T I-" his sentence was cut short by the sight of a tall Canadian boy looking at us. 

A tear rolled down his face and the six of us were so shocked to see each other. His eyes were red and puffy.

Zion began to take a step and that's when Edwin stopped him. "You come near her I'll fucking hurt you." 

"Hey, Ed you need to calm down-" 

"cAlM dOwN." he mocked. "This bison big built motherfucker is crying about some shit he did. You hurt Mya and you're fucking crying...pathetic."

Zion looked down and blew out the cool air. He stood there like a statue still looking at his feet while tears fell on to his converses. 

"Edwin you need to stop."Nick insisted

"No fuck you all...Zion doesn't deserve to be forgiven." Edwin walked up to Zion and he still didn't move.

"Leave him alone Ed," I said as I tugged on his clothing but he pushed me back like I was nothing. 

"You." he barked as he poked his finger into Zion's chest. "Get all your shit and don't come back". with every poke, Zion stepped back breathing heavily. 

Zion's head then moved up slowly looking at Edwin with devilish eyes. 

" gonna hit me too, bitch." 

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" I ran in between the boys pushing them, particularly to the ground. "Is that what we fucking came here to do...fight?"

"no," Zion stated which actually shocked us all. well maybe except Brandon.

"I wanted to apologize," he stated.

"i WaNtEd To ApOlOgIzE." 

"SHUT UP EDWIN!" we all said in unison. 

Zion took a deep breath before continuing "I know I hurt you all and I'm trying to make it better. Mya, I hurt you physically and mentally and I'm so sorry. I wasn't sober when it happened. Even though that's not an excuse, I never Intentionally meant to hurt you. And guys know I fucked up our reputation and I'm sorry...I've been talking to Simon and told him maybe it's best if I-"

we waited for him to continue but he choked up.

"you're fucking lying." Nick barked.

"What about Zaustin? "

"Frick that, I thought it was Brion forever," Brandon said

"I'm sorry." Zion said, "It's best if I just leave...i'm always causing problems anyway."

Edwin sighed and looked at Zion. 

"As sympathetic as you're being's not that easy to forgive you after you hurt my brothers and my cousin. I mean why Mya, out of all of us? She was there for you- "

"I FUCKING KNOW!" Zion dropped to his knees sobbing cutting Ed's sentence short. 

my couldn't take the damage. Though Zion made me cry like just wasn't right for him to experience that type of pain. My feet made its way over to Zion's body and he quickly got up.

"It's ok-"

"No, Mya." he wiped his face trying to go back to normal. "I thought I'd be able to just tell you that I love you and just be normal around you but I can't."

"then show me."

 "w- what?" he asked.

"Show me you love me."

He put his hands out and made his way over to me. He grabbed my face and placed a kiss on my forehead he hugged me. Zion always gave the warmest hugs The boys watched in awe while he held me in his arms. I let a tear transfer to his hoodie. The cool air hit against my skin giving me goosebumps and that's when he pulled away. 

"Are you cold?"

"A little."

he didn't hesitate to take off his hoodie that revealed his toned abs. I tried to keep my eyes ff them and focus on his face. "I don't need that-''


I sighed before putting my hands up as he placed the over-sized hoodie on my body.


"Are you ready to leave now? " I looked behind me to see Edwin's head sticking out the window. I didn't even realized they got in the car."

"One moment." I shouted returning back to Zion who was sizing me up. 

"Zion?" he snapped out of his trance which made me chuckle. he blushed and rubbed the back of his neck. "I got to go." I said before turning around but I was stooped by a hand around my wrist. 

"Let me take yo out this week." 

"uhhh...Zion I don't know."

"Please you can pick the place or places and I'll pay." he insisted.

"Zion, I-"

"just let me make it better...please. You can pick the date and time."

I sighed and gave in. I knew Zion wasn't going to drop this unless I said 'yes'.

"Great when and where."

"I guess Friday at place. We can just go out and eat."

Zion did i little victory danced smiling hard. "Thanks so won't regret it."

He let me go before he placed another kiss on my hand. I walked towards the car before I realized I still had Zion's hoodie on. 

"ZION!" he turned around towards me. "YOUR HOODIE!"

he gave me a light smile and shook his head. "KEEP IT!"


A/N: this chapter was trash and filled with disappointment...sorry but can y'all vote or whatever.

Keep It; Zion Kuwonu(Discontinued)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin