Continue of Chapter 7

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"Call me if anything bad happens and I'll be here less than 10 minutes." Edwin said hugging me.

"I know Ed. I'll see ya later." 

I walked into Pines and my favorite waiter instantly came over. 

"MYA!" she ran over giving me a hug while earning some attention from other customers. 

"Hey, Ms. Hellen. How are you?" 

"I'm doing good babe. it's been a while since you came here, where've been?"  Ms. Hellen asked.

Zion and I would always come to this restaurant and since day 1 Ms. Hellen has been taking our orders. Zion took me here for our first ever date and whenever we wanted to grab a bite we'd come here. The best thing is we get discounts just for being star customers

 "lots" I said smiling. "Is Zion here?" 

"I haven't seen him but I can take you to your table. You look stunning by the way."

"Thank Ms. Hellen." She took me to my table and brought me my favorite drink. A strawberry lemonade. I told her I'd wait to order since Zion wasn' there so I decided to call him. The phone rung two times before he answered.

"Hey um...I'm here." 

"Yeah ok, that' s cool. I'm right up the street hold up." he said nervously.

"Are you really or are you at home lying." 

"Mya just stay there, please. I'll be there soon." 

"fine." I sighed. Zion and I still weren't on great terms but I wanted to try and forgive him.


5 minutes go by and Zion's still not- oh nevermind there he is. 

He walked over and his jaw dropped. He stared at me with his big brown eyes and looked shocked which was scaring me.

"Fuck. Is my make- up wrong? Is there something on my face? " I said as I touched my skin for the problem and he instantly shook his head.

"No Mya you look..." he bit his as he looked up and down. "Marvelous."

I scrunched my eyebrows and tilted my head a bit. "Are you ok? When the hell did you use big words like mArvEloUs?"

"Beautiful word for a beautiful woman." he said as I blushed. 

"Fuck off." I smirked "and sit yo tall ass down."

Zion shook his head swinging his dreads and held out his arms. "Hug first."

I sighed before getting up. I stood and in front of him, walking towards his big giraffe built body. 

Zion wrapped his arms around my waist and I laid the right side of my face on his shirt. I felt secure in his arms. "I missed you in my arms." he mumbled.

my eyes widened and I pulled back. I couldn't get attached to Zion, I ust couldn't. I nodded my head and sat down and Zion sat across the booth. He looked a little disappointed probably because I didn't say the words back but I couldn't forgive him. Not now. He crossed his arms and rested them on the table. "We need to talk." 

"About what?" I said nervously.

"About what I did and what happene-"

"No," I said cutting his sentence short. "I don't want to know Z. What you did is done and you can change it so just drop it."

Keep It; Zion Kuwonu(Discontinued)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora