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Koi no yokan 
"the feeling upon first meeting someone that you will inevitably fall in love with them"

The morning rush was over and Sora wiped the sweat from her brow, the day had already gotten off to a poor start.  Not only had she been late, but she'd messed up a customers order, slipped on the floor and she'd almost broken the coffee machine.

Exhaustion hung around her and she yearned to feel. Something. Anything. Her dull monotonous schedule of a day was wearing down on her, and all that was left was incoherence; inconsistency in her thoughts.

Her eyes swiped across the clock on the terracotta painted walls. 10am. She rolled her eyes, and sighed twisting her golden brown locks around her finger, heavy lidded eyes fluttering shut.

From 10-11 there were barely any customers, especially because this was a petite coffee shop and not a big chain like a Starbucks or Costa.

"Just a few minutes" she promised herself, laying her head on the counter.

Shoulders sinking, she succumbed to sleep and let the outside world dampen and fade away.

"Um excuse me?" A husky deep voice rose up to Sora's ears, and she whipped her head upwards.

"Huh- what I wasn't sleepi-"

Blinking her eyes rapidly, she regarded the man in front of her.

Sora's jaw went slack. A man, who seemed around her age (early twenties) had now appeared before her. He was wearing a loose tee, with tight black jeans, but boy did he make it seem as if it was fashion week.

His tousled hair was a silvery blonde, and pulled back with a bandana. Sharp eyebrows lay above the most beautiful eyes, a deep chocolate with specks of gold. His lips were red and smudgy and just thick enough to lust over. The corners of them tugged into a boxy smile, as his eyes locked with Sora's.

A redness creeped over Sora's cheeks, and she quickly averted her gaze. Trying to calm her hormones down, she took deep breaths and was engrossed in getting rid of her blushing cheeks.

"So sorry about that, what would you like to order?"

Kim Taehyung did a double take. His lips parted in awe as he regarded the gorgeous woman in front of him. Her petite figure was clad in the most boring outfit ever, but she somehow made it look amazing.

Long lashes fluttered and deep brown eyes stared back at his. There was perfect symmetry along her Cupid's bow, seeming like God was drunk when he made her full pink lips. Not a speck of makeup, yet he was completely enraptured in her beauty.

"Um hello?" Her sweet voice filled his mind and adrenaline sparked through his veins; he had to know more about her.

"Hi" he internally cringed, his words and thoughts just weren't formulating, but he pushed past the initial awkwardness.

"Um hi" Sora let out a small giggle, as this man stood nervously in front of her.

Quickly formulating his thoughts and getting them back in order, he replied;

"Sorry, it's not every day I stumble across such beautiful baristas." His boxy smile returned this time with a hint of a smirk.

Sora's blush came back with a vengeance, and she bit her lip as a glowing smile took over her face.

"Um thank you, that's really sweet. It's not every day that tall handsome strangers pay me such nice compliments."

Sora really needed to put a stop to this cringey flirting, she was freaking out. She was Lee Sora! Her flirting skills which had been at a high just the other day had suddenly gone down the drain, and she was stuck with the stupid words that kept falling out of her mouth.

The man didn't seem to notice how terrible her flirting was and instead just replied back with confidence dripping from his voice.

He came close, lowering the volume of his voice.

"Well how abou-"

He was cut short by Sora's boss shouting from the back.

"LEE SORA, stop flirting and get your ass back to work."

Taehyung drew back, stifling a laugh, as he saw Sora's face turn tomato red. She quickly stuttered out the specials and stood there notepad in hand as embarrassment crashed over her.

"So, Lee Sora huh? A pretty name for a pretty girl." His charm had just been intensified, and he had a clear goal in mind. Her phone number.

"Sorry, I really should just take your order." regretfully Sora uttered those words, and Mina's rant about 'no more guys' popped into her head.

"Give me anything you want."

"What?" Sora coughed, her dirty mind spinning out of control.

"From the menu, choose anything for me. It's my first time coming here." Taehyung hid a smirk, he knew exactly the choice of words he used before would provoke a reaction and it had worked.

"Right, um I'll bring it over to you then." Sora fumbled with her thoughts, and wanted to be done with this conversation so this stuttering version of her would go.

The man turned to go find a seat, but as Sora watched, her heart ached with regret at not finding out more about him.

As if he could read her thoughts, he turned around and this time the subtle smirk he had hid before was full blast, as he cockily said "I'm Kim Taehyung by the way."

And with that he turned back around, without another glance.

Sora watched stunned, as she mouthed his name quietly. She liked the way it rolled off her tongue.

It made her feel.

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