Carnival Part 2

Beginne am Anfang

"Uh, yeah, yes! Good thinking, Joy," Fabian confirmed.

"Um," Nina thought a moment. "Very red, so it was recent and it was tight. There were like, breaks, in each marking kind of. Like, whatever suffocated her wasn't very solid and even like a rope, but it had like a pattern or some unevenness-maybe like a chain?"

"Chain," Joy repeated. "That's what we have so far. Wait, did you recognize the person?"

"Of course not."

"Right, you're not from here."

Eddie began hearing whispering, like a message for the Osirion. The voices were telling him to go to a tent set up in the Carnival. He stood up and left the table, ignoring the others.

"Eddie!" Patricia called. She turned to the others. "I'll go after him."

Eddie finally stopped at a certain tent far from where his friends were, and Patricia finally caught up with him.

"What's with you, Weasel?" she asked.

Eddie didn't take his eyes off the tent. "Stay here."


Eddie made firm eye contact with Patricia. "Stay here."

Patricia made expressions with her eyes, telling him she would as she folded her arms.

Eddie went into the tent. It was empty except for a table in the center with a lamp on top, and someone in the shadows of the back of the tent. This person was weeping, and this person sounded like a female.

"Hello?" Eddie questioned.

The sobbing continued.

"Who are you?" he continued as he inched closer. He stopped right past the table.

It sounded like the person was mumbling to herself. It took time for Eddie to understand at least bits of it. "I'm, no, no...I didn't want...the gods-they made me-"

That last part stuck out to Eddie.

"What do you means, 'the gods made you'?"

The woman shot her gaze upward as if just noticing Eddie were there. She scrambled up to her feet and came into the light, running right up to Eddie. She dug her nails into Eddie's shoulders. Eddie winced in pain and tried to pry them off, but it was no use.

"Osirion," the woman whispered in Eddie's face. Her eyes were wide, her dirty-blonde hair untidy, and she seemed a bit frail.

"Who are you?" Eddie asked.

The woman ignored the question. She took her nails out of Eddie and backed up one footstep away.

"You know I didn't want to, right?" she said.


"The lady. The lady in the loo. I didn't want to."

"Wait, you-you killed her?"

"Please understand! I didn't want to. The gods-" she pointed upward shyly, "-they told me to."

"What gods?"

"The Egyptian gods. They even told me you were the Osirion. And they just told me, you are to fix this."


"I have sinned."

"How could you have sinned if the gods told you to-What exactly am I to do?"

"A mortal can follow the gods' orders but still sin. Only someone like you can follow the gods and not be a sinner for such acts."

"What are you saying?"

"You must kill me."

Eddie gasped and took a step back. "No."

"Please. I've fulfilled my purpose; I can now die peacefully."

"Wait, but who-who was that woman you killed?"

"A demon in disguise. The best way to kill them is to kill their host."

"Poor woman."

"The gods may resurrect her. Don't worry. But you must kill me now." The woman reached back into the shadows and picked something up. She held it towards Eddie. It was a chain. "I used this to kill the demon. Now use it to kill me."

Eddie turned back towards the table, leaning against it with his palms on the surface. He made a heavy inhale and exhale through his nose.

"Why do I have to do it?"

"If I do it myself, I only have half the chance to make it to heaven, but if you do it, it's guaranteed."

"What happens if you're not killed?"

"The gods will find some way to torture me."

Eddie couldn't let this woman go about thinking this. He faced back towards the woman. "Just own up to your mistake-or purpose. Go to the police. Turn yourself in. You'll get jail time, maybe for life, but that's better than death. It's just, in this world, someone needs to take responsibility for it, and the gods are telling me that they'd much rather have you serve a sentence than desire to be killed. They'd much rather let you at least live a bit longer."


"-trust the Osirion."

The woman froze, and then she went straight to Eddie with a huge hug. "Thank you."

The woman ended up being taken in, and everyone had to leave the Carnival. They went back to the Summer house, standing right in the main area of the house. Eddie had already told them about the encounter.

"Was it intense?" Alfie asked.

"Yeah, but I'm just glad she didn't have to die," Eddie replied.

"That situation had to be horrible," Amber commented. "I applaud you on your courage."

"Ok, maybe today, my idea wasn't the best," KT apologized, "so I'm sorry, and I think we all just need a little break, or some rest, or a breather."

They all went their separate ways with Mick and Joy being the last to leave. Mick stopped Joy for a second though.

"Joy," he said.


"You're not part of Sibuna?"

"Sadly, no. But I did make this new group called Nubi. It's hard to say if it's still official."

"Ah. I could've sworn to were; you're kind of perfect for it. And you date Jerome, right?"

"Yeah. I can't wait to defeat Set, and get him out of my boyfriend."

"It must be hard for you."

"Yeah. Hey, why are you asking me these questions?"

"I don't know. I guess I'm just making conversation with someone who wasn't in most of all the drama around here. But I'll leave you alone now," he smiled. "Bye." He went to his room.

Joy went upstairs to her room.

Hoorah, this was the last part to Carnival, the little intermission-type thingy for the story. So, how'd you like it? But, I'm gonna have to get back to the whole Set mystery soon.

And also that little last part of the chapter with Mick and Joy is dedicated to @fabinafan since she suggested for Mick and Joy to interact. Even over a month later(she suggested this on July 15), I haven't forgotten. (This is like really, really overdue, and I apologize)

And that is all of my little author's note to this chapter. Stay tuned for the next chapter! ;)

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