aparent prison

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Jevil: y-know now that you mention that I just know realise I can just release them now that I am king

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Jevil: y-know now that you mention that I just know realise I can just release them now that I am king

Jevil: and of course they would let me visit them well until the king of spades showed up making a new rule: 'Dont let any prisoners out of their jail cell until they have served their time' I was never allowed to leave after that so I stopped see...

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Jevil: and of course they would let me visit them well until the king of spades showed up making a new rule: 'Dont let any prisoners out of their jail cell until they have served their time' I was never allowed to leave after that so I stopped seeing my parents for five years but I still miss them but I'm on my way to set them free! They should be sleeping by know it's like 1 am since their in their mid thousands sleep is more important to their health

Jevil: and of course they would let me visit them well until the king of spades showed up making a new rule: 'Dont let any prisoners out of their jail cell until they have served their time' I was never allowed to leave after that so I stopped see...

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Jevil: oh, will you look at that they make them sleep on the floor ruthless king but look at them they look like cats curled together for warmth... WHAT SPIECES ARE WE!

Jevil: and of course I'm shorter then them I'm only 207 years old still very young and know that they are free we can all rule together, spicy is still sleeping but imagine his surprise when he sees more people over!

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Jevil: and of course I'm shorter then them I'm only 207 years old still very young and know that they are free we can all rule together, spicy is still sleeping but imagine his surprise when he sees more people over!

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