Picturing Us (2)

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HIs hand felt warm and firm. "NIce name. I like it." he said.

"Thanks. I was supposed to be a boy." Could I sound any stupider?

"Good thing you weren't."

I smiled at his comment. Cute and nice, you don't find that everyday.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small piece of paper. He unfolded it and looked at it. "Hey, I'm lost. Do you know where room 305 is?" he asked. Room 305 is english and it's my first class. We also happened to be standing right next to it.

I pointed to the door and he looked at it. "Oh, I should really look at the door labels."

"Yeah." I laughed. "But I have that same class."

"Walk with me?"

"Sure, why not."

We walked side by side toward the door, but I sat down and he went to talk to the teacher. The bell then rang, causing Finn to run through the door. He sat next to me, taking off his Jansport backpack. I stared at Levi the whole time, hardly even noticing him.

"Hey, who's the new kid." I heard him say. I still didn't answer. "Hanson?" he called.

I snapped out of it. "What?" I finally answered.

"Who's the new kid?" he asked, once again.

"Oh, his name is Levi. I ran into him about five minutes ago."

"Oh, I'm surprised, you didn't take a picture of him." he joked.

"Haha, very funny." I smiled back at him.

"Okay, class." the teacher, Mr. Brown, announced. "Welcome back, from Winter Vacation, but now it's a new year, with a brand new english unit."

The class 'aw-ed' in disappointment, while Levi just smiled at me. I smiled back, staring into his brown eyes.

"So, first things, first. I would love to welcome our new student, Levi Kingsford. So, everyone be kind and welcoming. Why don't you take a seat in front of Hanson Carter."

He never took his eyes off of me, but continued to walk toward the seat in front of me. Once he sat down, he turned around and faced me.

"I hate having all that attention on me. I'm not that type of person." he said, then turned back around.

That's how I felt everytime a huge crowd of people surrounded us. I hate all attention on me. It's kind of nice to know someone who feels the same way I do. Besides Finn, Rachel is also my close friend. But she's a preformer and she loves the attention. But Levi, he's just different.


She hasn't stopped staring at the new kid. It's like she's so concentrated on him. But look at him! He has long black hair, tan skin, filthy black boots, and he puts his pencil behind his ear. Only a deliquent looks like him. He can't possibly be her type. I mean, she has long blonde hair, blue eyes, the color of the sea, and pink lips, that turned into a beautiful smile. Him and her just don't make a good combination.

Later in was lunch, Hanson and I sat together with Julia, like we always did. Hanson and Julia didn't have many problems, but Julia still wasn't sure about her.

"Hanson, I see that you have eyes for the new kid." she said, smiling her evil little smile.

"I don't know. I mean, he is cute, I guess."

I burst out laughing. Seriously? She thinks that juvenile is cute?

Hanson and Julia just stared at me, waiting for me to explain the reason why I was laughing. I was laughing so hard, my stomach started to ache. It was just too funny to hear.

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