51| I Believe

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Each year the Blackhawks host a event called the Blackhawks convention. For a few days a bunch of fans come out to see us and introduce the new guys and recognize the ones who were there for their contributions to the team. It's a way to break in the new season and take a look back on the past one. There's a q and a session and a meet and greet and a bunch of other really fun things. It's one of my favorite weekends in hockey and I couldn't wait to get this one underway.

Among the guys on the team I would say I was in tops ten of many people's favorites and top five of a few. Being on a team with Tazer and Kaner and Duncs and Breadman isn't easy if you're trying to see yourself as a star. As far as organizations go this one is one of the best when it comes to producing the next greatest thing in hockey and it's not hard to see why.

But I had my fair share of fans. Being a goalie you get a lot more air time on game-day than most considering you're always on the ice. And us goalies stick together so I always meet a bunch of kids who play goalie too. So the Q and A portion of the convention always peeks my interest and I loved doing it with the kids panel.

This year it was me, Darls, Hartzy and Kaner on a panel answering questions. I'm not sure how it was us, but it was us up there. We all answer the questions and try to keep it pg for PR's sake.

"How come you're so good" one of the kids ask me and I laugh.

"There's a lot of things that go into me being able to do what I do. It's eating right and hitting the gym and being surrounded by the best players in the world certainly helps" I admit.

"Plus his girlfriend makes him better" my fellow goalie Scotty teases and I laugh.

"She makes me a lot better" I admit.

"How" the kid asks. Anyone old enough laughs because there was one way this conversation would usually go but I think that would stop us from ever having a kids panel ever again.

"She's a life coach, do you know what that is" I ask the little girl and she shakes her head. "A life coach is someone who helps you make your life better. They help you find answers to your questions and guide you on your endeavors in life" I explain.

"Is she good at her job" the little girl asks and I smile.

"She's the best. She's turned my life around, made me a better person and a better goalie. I would be nothing without her" I smile.

"Can I meet her" the little girl questions and I smile.

"I'm sure she would love to meet you" I admit.

We finish up with the panel and as soon as I do I pull the little girl aside and tell her to wait there for me. I go find Jess who was with the wives and girlfriends doing charity things, but I was able to sneak her away and bring her to the little girl who was asking about her. I get them introduced and the little girl named Jade had started to ask her questions she had.

"What happens when you get a question you don't know the answer to" Jade questions.

"Those are my favorite questions because they're probably the most important. And just because there's no answer doesn't mean there isn't a way. Sometimes we don't know how or why but we know that there's a reason. Like the stars in the sky, we can't always see them but they're always there. And I don't know what their purpose is or how they got there, but I still love them" Jess explains.

"And how does that help with life" Jade wonders.

"Our life is everything that's happened before us, everything that's happening to us, and everything that's going to happen because of us. And while there's a lot of things we have in our life's that we don't know the meaning of, we still have to appreciate them. Big and small, good and bad, everything we ever are is because of everything we used to be. My job as a life coach is to help us see our life for what it is and make the most of it, whatever that may be" Jess says.

"That's really cool" the kid smiles and Jess nods her head in agreement.

"I like to think so" she admits.

"I want to be like you when I get older" the kid says and Jess freezes. Not too long after a smile come up across her face and I was wearing one too.

"You can be anything you put your mind to. But first you have to put your mind to it because it's the most important part. Once you believe, only then can you achieve" Jessica explains.

"I believe" the kid says.

"Smart girl" Jess smirks.

Eventually Jade has to leave and we did too. This was just the first day but it was a long one. But my heart was full and I was really pumped to get ready for this season.

"So I'm pretty sure you are the best part of this convention so far" I tell Jessie as we drive home.

"Not my fault your friends think I'm the reason you're a good hockey player" she defends.

"They're not wrong" I insist.

"I knew nothing about hockey when I got here. I don't think I helped you out in the crease" she says.

"But you did. Out there my best asset I have isn't my blocker or my pads or my stick, its my mind. And no one works my mind better than you" I remind her.

"Right. And you won two cups before I was ever a part of the picture" she explains.

"Maybe so. But I wasn't me in between those pipes until met you" I say and she stops. She turns to me to send me a kind smile which melts my heart.

"Well you are my favorite person in this world" she promises me.

"I love you too" I smile.

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