40| To the Moon and Back

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After relaxing for a few days and catching up on sleep we head over to my moms house to celebrate my birthday. I wasn't big on birthdays but I have a dog now so I'm starting to think they're not that bad.

We arrive in Springfield early this beautiful Saturday morning. By the time we get there my brother and his family was already settled in and trying to eat the birthday cake without me. Naturally Corey goes off with CJ and they play in the backyard as they mess around with the sports stuff and I hang out with Amanda and her and Carters little girl Miranda in the living room.

"So how was your trip" Amanda questions as we draw with Miranda on the floor of the living room. We always had coloring books around here.

"It was great. I haven't traveled out of the country since I was a little girl and it was awesome to be able to do the things we liked instead of doing stuff we felt like we should be doing. And doing it with Corey was great, he was so open minded and aided in my Queen addiction. It was perfect" I smile.

"That's so cool. So what are you guys going to do now" she wonders.

"I don't know, I'll probably go back to work and we'll hang around Chicago. He moved into my place and we got a dog, so things are moving right along" I explain.

"That's so exciting" she cheers and I laugh.

"It's pretty cool. I've never been in a serious relationship before and I hope that this is the only one I'll ever be in" I admit.

"I wish I was that lucky. I had to get my heart broken a few times before I found your brother" she claims.

"Speaking of, I haven't seen him all morning. Where is he" I wonder.

"I'm not sure. Your mom asked him for some help when we got here and I haven't seen them since" she says.

"Well I should go find them in case they started a family emergency again and I have to break it up... again" I roll my eyes. It sounds weird but it happens a lot with us. We were all passionate, just never about the same things.

I go upstairs and quickly find my brother and mothers voice and they did not sound happy. They were in my moms room arguing about something and I figured I should go break it up like I always had to. Those two bumped heads a lot but it was all out of love. I promise.

I was about to go inside the room until I hear my name and I stop. I stand at the door and listen in to what they were talking about. So I softly press my ear to the closed door and try to make out what they were saying.

"Dad said that you should have given this to her on her 21st birthday.... that was over nine years ago. You kept this from her for nine years, this has gone on for far too long. She is thirty now, you can't keep this from her" Carter whisper yells.

"She doesn't need to know these types of things. Her mind is her greatest asset and knowing these types of things messes with your mind. She doesn't need to know" my mom claims.

"That's not your decision to make. She at least deserves a choice to do what she wants to do with it" Carter claims.

"I'm protecting her" my mom argues.

"You're protecting her or yourself" he counters. "I know you don't want to go down this road after spending all these years trying to move on without him but it was his dying wish that you did this one thing for him after he was gone. You're not only letting Jessie down but you're letting Dad down too" Carter says.

"I'm doing what I think is right as her mother" she claims.

"What was right was giving her that nine years ago like you were supposed to" Carter claims.

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