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Updated on March 22,2019

He try's to be the paladin that everyone wants him to be. But no matter how hard he try's he always gets yelled or screamed at. When he 'flirts' with Allura she gets mad and yells. When he 'jokes' with Shiro, Pidge, or hunk, they push him away or yell at him. Keith his lover and his worst enemy always pushes him away. Coran always stayed true to him. Coran helped him. Coran knew what he was going threw and yet he could not help him because lance did not want him involved.
After a long day of fighting the Galra. They flew back into the hangers hanging their heads down in defeat. They met in the living room. As lance dragged himself in he could feel the glares piercing through his skin. He sat down and waited. Waited to get yelled at. Waited to get slapped. Waited to get screamed at. Shaken out of his though lance was slapped. 'Right on Que' lance thought. "You messed up big time lance, you could have killed us out there" Shiro yelled at him "Why can't you be more like kieth" His heart wrenched at this comment. As for keith being his love, he hated to be compared to him. "I don't even know why you are on the this team' Shiro mumbled to himself but Loud enough for lance to hear. That's when allura went off. "God lance why are you such a mess up. You are useless" The now very blue paladin held his head down low. "You need to practice more" But as they did not know lance would stay up every night training.  Coran finally budged in "I think the boy has learned his lesson" The others scoffed but walked out of the room saying mean and nasty things about lance.
As soon as they left Lance got up and walked to his room. As soon as he got in their. He sobbed sliding down the door. Grabbing at the nearest thing. He was having a panic attack. It felt as though the room was caving in. He ran to the bathroom. He reached behind the cabinet and grabbed his razor. He cut. He counted to himself "One.....two....three" He evenly lost count. He went on till the alarm rang for dinner. He quickly and terribly wrapped his arms. As he walked toward the dinning room he heard the paladins talking "Why is he even on the team- We should replace him- He is worthless- why did blue pick him" He slowly walked in and put on a fake smile. Allura yelled at him for being late. But all he said back was "It's called being fashionably late" lance joked. Some of them scoffed while the other rolled their eyes. "Why don't you shut up lance you are so annoying lance" And with that he sat down. Being left out of the conversations was normal to him. But this time it was different. It was like something was aching in the back of his throat.
But he knew he couldn't talk back. So instead of talking he scratched his arms. He clawed at his new cuts he could feel the warm crimson red liquid run down his arms. He was afraid that they would see. His vision became blurry. He though that he was not bleeding anymore. As for his eyesight was not the greatest at this moment.

I was the fist to see it. The drip of his blood hitting the cold tiles. Everything else seemed to be drowned out by the sound of "Drop....Drip drip" She looked at the blue paladin "Lance you are-"

He dropped. He dropped from existence. His heart dropped and he stopped. Even with the sound of crying pidge and allura. Yelling from keith and shiro. Screams coming from Coran and Hunk. Everything was silent for lance. The peace and quiet that he wanted was here. The escape from reality was here and he was not going to miss this chance. As the raced him to the medic bay. His pulse went silent.  He was gone. Erased of all emotion. As he stood their greeting death at his door.

700 words ❤️

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