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You are a daughter of fangs and steel. What are you meant for, if not to rule? Twin serpents hiss around my legs, drawing closer and closer. They've whispered to me in my dreams and from Mother's arm before, but never like this. Never in the nursery, with only me and Nurse. Nurse is watching from a distance, trying to stay away from the snakes.

If she is afraid of them, then I should be, too. I scramble backwards, but they keep coming. One of them brushes against me, cold green scales against bare skin. I whimper. The snake winds itself around my legs. Fangs and steel, it hisses. Rule. I try to back away, but the serpent trips me and I tumble to the ground with a scream.

A glinting shred of metal peels away from the wall and slices the first snake right through the eye. It slumps to the floor. I shriek and run to Nurse, barely missing the second snake with my flailing feet. Nurse holds me as I tremble into her arms.

Tolly comes thundering into the room, his knife in his hand. "Evie!" He stops in the door, wiping sweat from his forehead. "Are you okay?" He notices the snakes on the ground and suddenly stiffens.

"What is the meaning of this?" Mother's voice is barely raised above a whisper as she stands behind Tolly in the doorway. She sounds like the snakes. Tolly jumps to attention, and Mother rounds on him. "Get back to your Training," she snaps, and he backs out of the room. Mother sweeps into the room, ignoring me and Nurse. She stands over her snakes, crooning over the dead one. It makes me shiver.

"Well," she says. "Nurse!"

My Nurse gets to her feet. "My- my lady?"

"Were your orders not to explain to Evangeline that my creatures will not harm her?"

"Yes, my lady." Nurse doesn't meet my mother's eyes. I look between them. Mother seems enraged.

I jump in front of Nurse. "It's not her fault!"

My mother barely spares me a glance. "Don't be foolish, Evangeline." She looks at Nurse. "You are dismissed, effective immediately. Pack your things and move out of this house." Mother sweeps out of the nursery, emerald cloak billowing behind her.


That night at dinner, Father invites me to sit by his side. "I am told you displayed your ability today," he rumbles. "Congratulations."

I puff out my chest, proud.

Suddenly, all the pride leaks away as I remember what else happened today, too. "Will Nurse be okay?"

Father begins slicing his steak. "She is not worth your worrying," is all he says.

Near the end of dinner, Mother and Father stand. "A toast to our daughter," Father rumbles. "Future heiress to House Samos!" I don't know what heiress means, but I manage to smile and nod at the Samos cousins that raise their glasses to me.

Father sits back down. "Tomorrow," he says to Tolly, "I want you to take Evangeline to Training with you."

My brother chokes on his food. "Training? She's only six!"

Father's brows knit together. Tolly drops his gaze. "Of course, Father."


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