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they all drive back to starlet's  house and starlet entered first.  she looked around to see if her mom was home then when she realized she wasn't she joined later && crystal on the couch...

starlet:  all clear (she grabbed the remote and turned on the tv)
kathlyn: wtf are you doing,  YOU JUST MURDERED SOMEONE and your just gonna sit there and watching cartoons like it never just happened??
starlet: yep (smiled ) (grabbed the bowl on the side table ) chips anyone??
crystal:  we just killed our fucking friend and hid her body in a fucking cave and your asking if we want chips,  really star?? 
starlet: OH BOO HOO,  SHUT THE FUCK UP,  GET OVER IT,  IT WAS LIKE SO TEN MINS AGO (giggled while eating chips ) TEENS,  PPSH so fucking dramatic these days,  it happened OK,  it's done, now is not the time to put up stop signs right now,  you should stop focusing on the pass and just go in the kitchen,  look in the lower cupboards,  get the fucking bleach and a lighter and lets get rid of the fucking evidence then we will get cleaned up,  go to Khris's party and just get our minds off this, nothing will happen,  no one will find her guys,  police hardly ever patrol those cliffs . by the time they find her,  she'll be bones. OK?? 

crystal rolled her eyes then went into the kitchen cabinets and did as she was told

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