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after kathlyn reached home she sat in her bed thinking about the day and everything that had happened "was the mystery girl correct,  was she only a puppet,  did she choose the wrong friends,  what was the use giving her all just to please arranged friends when real chemistry was between the friends she didnt plan on meeting,  Who was she really ? was she right?? " she had to find out. ...suddenly the phones goes off

kathlyn: (answered) hello
starlet: Hey how come you ditched us at the party last night, you know come to think of it I didn't see ty either,  did you two sneak off?? 
kathlyn: no we didn't,  I just really needed to finish uhh that homework thing for a uhh class
starlet: oh OK and I didn't see you at school today why?? 
kathlyn:  uhh stuff,  feeling a bit under the weather,  all better now
starlet: is that so??  lol you know you missed practice right?? 
kathlyn: Oh that was today??  am so sorry
starlet:  no, no need to be sorry you were sick right? 
kathlyn:  yep better now...
starlet: wanna come over,  am home alone and bored need company
kathlyn:  OK I'll ask mom (hangs up) MOM CAN YOU CARRY ME TO STARLET HOUSE?? 
mrs barnesOK hunny,  in 5 mins

*she got ready *

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