Winter Dance Pt. 2

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{Larry's POV}

After changing into a suit my mom got me, I sit on my bed and wait for Y/N. 

I can't believe she saw me like that. And where the hell did I get that confidence from? And why the hell is she so damn cute? Seriously, she doesn't have to lift a finger and I just wanna hug and kiss her all the fucking time. She makes me so crazy. I love her... I love her so much I-

"Larry?" I turn my head to see her dressed in this red dress that ends above her knees. I look down and see that she's wearing sneakers. I snort.

"Really sweetheart? Sneakers? I was expecting you to wear heels since you complain about your height all the time." She laughs.

"Heels hurt. Besides, sneakers look waaaay nicer." I nod in agreement. "Anyway, do you like it?" She bites her lip as she plays with her hair.

"Like it? I'm absolutely in love with it! And you..." She smiles, blushing. I extended my arms which she happily runs over. I hug her and kiss her forehead. "You ready to go?" She looks at me and nods. I smile and gently push her off.

"Meet me outside, I'll get my mask real quick." I nod and exit the front door.


As I touch up my face a little with makeup, I finally put on my mask. Before I leave the bathroom, I hear something. Like whispering. I turn around, seeing nothing but the wall. Huh, strange. I shrug and leave the bathroom.

{time skip!}

We finally arrive at school. Larry's giving me a piggyback ride since I got tired of walking halfway through. We see Sal, Ash, Todd and Neil standing next to the doors. "HEY GUYS!" I yell. Larry puts me down as I run over to hug and greet them all. I then see Sal and Ash holding hands along with Todd and Neil doing the same. I raise a brow.

"We already know about the gay couple, but you guys? When did THIS happen? I swear, you guys don't tell us anything anymore!" Ash and Sal laugh until Sal speaks.

"I was actually about to pull you to the side and tell you that yesterday, I ran to Ash's place and confessed! Let's just say I got inspired." He nudges my arm and whinks. I laugh and hug the two of them.

"Well, I'm so happy for you guys. And would you look at that! All of us are dating our best friends!" We all laugh as we enter the building, all of us holding hands.

{another time skip lol!}

After dance for two hours straight, we decide to sit and eat some food. Surprisingly, it's pretty decent. We talk and laugh before my head starts to hurt. Oh no, not now! I excuse myself as I exit the building. Once in a while, I get migraines because of either stress or overdoing things. The last time I got one was the day before I left to live with Aunt Carol. I walk further into the woods, but not too deep.

"Y/N?" I turn around to see Sal, a worried look on his face. Well, maybe, I wouldn't know with that mask on. "You okay? Are you getting migraines again?" I nod as I sit down on the grass. Sal sits next to me.

"I haven't gotten one in a while. I probably overdid it." He puts his hand on my forehead like he's checking my temperature.

"Yeah, you should take it easy for a while." We sit there in silence. It's not uncomfortable silence, but I wouldn't say it wasn't awkward. "So... how are you and Larry?"

"Good! Good. How about you and Ash?"

"We're also good, thanks."

"No problem." I bit my lip. "Hey Sal?"

"What's up?"

"Well, I know this is really random but, I was thinking that when all of us graduate and stuff, we all could, like, move in together in one big house or something. I mean, I can ask Aunt Carol for some money and we can save up OUR money and we could all put it together and-" I'm cut off by laughing.

"Y/N, that's, like, easier said than done!" I frown. "But, it's not impossible..." I smile again, hugging Sal.

"Good! Because I was about to drag your ass to live with me, single or not." He both laugh and he hugs me back. In the distance, we hear footsteps. We turn and see the gang walking up to us. Larry sits next to me, putting me on his lap. Sal does the same with Ash when she sits. Todd and Neil just sit next to each other holding hands. "What are you guys doing out here?"

"Well, it got pretty boring in there. Plus, Travis and some guy were beating each other up, so we got out of there as soon as possible." Todd explains.

"Yeah. Double plus, we wanted to hang with you guys!" Ash states.

"Triple plus, I wanted to come see you again." Larry says. We receive some awe's. We all laugh and talk, my migraine slowly going away. This, my friends, is exactly what I wanted. To be with the people I consider close... my family. Living together won't be so bad...


AWWW MY BABIES *SOBS* So, how was that? I really enjoyed writing this chapter. Let's see what my brain will think of for tomorrow's chapters!

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