The New Girl

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Dear Diary 1996,
Today I leave New Jersey to live in Nockfell with my aunt. After my mom's death, she told me to stay with her since my grandparents lived all the way in Cuba. I agreed, which brings me here, waiting at the train station. It's pretty crowded here, but no one thinks anything of a 15 year old girl sitting alone. I'll keep an update when I see Aunt Carol.

Signing off!

I close my journal and put it in my bag, bitting my lip. I don't see my aunt often, so living with her was kinda big. I see the train I need to get on and hurry over. It's pretty crowded but I'm smaller than most of the people inside. A lot of those people gave me weird looks.
Of course, they find my mask weird and not a girl going on a train alone! Though, that's a looong story I don't wanna talk about. I find a seat and place my bag down, then sit. This ride will take a few hours, so I might as well sleep a little. I look at a woman that looks to be about 20.

"Excuse me, miss?" She turns to me. "Sorry to bother you, but do you mind waking me up when they mention Nockfell?"

"Sure hun! Nice mask by the way."
I turn a little pink. Good thing she can't see that.

"Thanks uhhh.."

"Oh, the name's Nancy."

"Oh cool, I'm Y/N."

"Awesome, I'll let you know."

"Thanks again!" She nods and turns the other way. I smile and close my eyes, letting sleep take over.

{time skip!}

I feel a slight nudge on my shoulder, immediately waking up. "I think this might be your stop, hun." I look up to see Nancy. I politely smile and thank her. I grab my bag and leave the train. I wave goodbye and head over to a bench. Aunt Carol said to meet her here, so I guess I'll wait. I sit patiently for a few mins until I hear someone come on the speakers.

"Will a Y/N Battalion please come to the front desk? Your aunt is waiting!" I perk up and grab my bag. Good thing it wasn't too far. I get there and see Aunt Carol, smiling at me. She opens her arms for a hug. I swing my bag on my shoulder and hug her, tight.

"Oh, how I missed you! Look at you, all grown up." I laugh at her comment.

"Aunt Carol, you just saw me, like, a few days ago!"

"I'm aware, but it's true. How is your face by the way?"

"It's fine, nothing new." She tries to unbuckle it, but I move her hand away. "Not here, you can see when we get to your place."

"Alright, and please, this is OUR place now. You don't need to feel like a stranger or guest."

"Ok Aunt Carol. Let's start going then, I'm starving!" She laughs and takes my hand.

"Let's go and feed you then!"

We enter the car and drive off, my eyes wandering the new place where I will be living for hopefully the rest of my life.

Hopefully this was a good start! I will be posting more chapters either tomorrow or days after that. I'm currently on winter break so I'll probably have time to upload more chapters. See you then!

{SallyFace} Fired Up - Larry X ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ