"Because I'm sitting in the dark, with nervousness"

"How come?"

"Because I just I don't know" She had told me she got into her own head a lot of times, much like me.

"Well leave, go out and grab McDonald's or something"

"Dude you suck at pep talks too"Liam laughs, I punch his shoulder. He rolls his eyes at me.

"Maybe I'll take that idea up with you. I'll let you go, have a good game"

"Thanks"I let out a large sigh "I'm going to need it"

"Now you can't tell me to get out of my head when your stuck in yours" Ben shakes my meds bottle and I nod at him.

"Your right, it's very hypocritical of me. I should really go thought. I'll call you afterwards"

"Alright, good night. I'll be watching the second I get home"

"Bye Chloe"

"Bye Joe"I chuckle at her own nickname for me. I throw my phone into my bag and finish getting ready.

"Your shaking"Ben says. I take a bottle of water and grab two of my pills, downing them.

"Let's go boys!"John yells as we all follow him out of the dressing rooms. I put my helmet on and let out a sigh before following William out.

We were coming towards the end of the 2nd period and we were behind one point. I look up at the jumbotron quickly as I move down the bench, we had at least a minute left for this period. I look back down at the ice and realize my line was next, the boys on the ice now slowly trail in and I jump over the boards, hoping onto the ice, Matts by my side. Time was moving quickly as both teams tried to get possession of the puck. William slides the puck over to Matthew's, I turn and skate backwards just as Auston slides the puck over to me, I push it between my feet and turn back, skating quickly down the rink, someone was on my ass and to my left side. I quickly find an opening in the goal and as I psych out the goal tender seeming I was going to shoot for his right I angled my stick so I would shoot it to his left. I hear the buzzer go off, signalling a goal. Before I could even give a small celebration the dude trailing my ass bodychecked me so hard, I tripped over the goalies stick on accident and I fell into the boards, my head hitting the boards hard and I fall back onto the ice. Another buzzer went off and I knew that the second period was over.

I stayed on the ground, blinking, my body aching with pain as it shot down from my pounding head, a blurry figure stops in front of me, lightly covering me with the shavings of the ice.

I hear someone calling me, my eyes starting to flicker "Joel!" I hear, suddenly multiple people start showing up in my blurry vision. I hear multiple people calling my name before my eyes finally flicker shut, my body falling limp on the ice.

I remember dozing in and out of consciousness for what felt like eternity, the first time I had woken up fully, I looked around the room I was in and noticed that I was in my room back in Toronto. I look around the somewhat dim bedroom and see dad standing by my large window, looking at the city.

I let out a rough cough and he immediately turns around "Tessa!" He yells lightly, calling for my mother. He walks over to me quickly and sits at my side. The door opens and in steps mom and my sisters.

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