Four: pan's hut

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"It isn't nice to lie petal"


"W-what do you mean?" I stutter "lie?"

Pan scoffs and takes a tight grip on my wrist. The boy drags me out of my hut and into the centre of the camp. Once the lost boys became aware of the commotion they stopped what they were doing and stared in fright at Me and the angry Lost boy.

"I know you had it, Hope, the bean."

Had. Subconsciously my hand travels to my chest to check if the item was still there. I feel around subtly but the bean wasn't there. My heart skips a beat.

I look up to meet the eyes of Peter Pan. They were full of darkness and evil. An evil smirk twisted its way on to his porcelain face and a low chuckle escaped his lips.

"You think it'd be That easy, Hope?" He holds the bean in his hand beside his head "I'm the most powerful person here, did you really believe you could hide this from me? You're supposed to be clever, after all you are the saviours daughter."

"I just want to go my family." I whisper

"This is your home, you petty girl!" Pan cries "can't you see that?"

"Home is with family! Not with some creep who kidnaps you!" I yell.

Pans gaze darkens and he steps so close to me that I can feel the warmth of his breath on my face. "There is no going home. You're in Neverland now, it's where you live." He growled and crushed the bean in his hands.

"No!" I exclaim

And with that he vanished in a puff of smoke.


I look down at my feet, thinking about how I was stupid enough to actually fear pan, well, slightly fear him.

All of a sudden there's a knock at my door. Perhaps it was Pan, coming to apologise? Pff! As if!

"Come in." I say to the door.

The door opens and Ryan steps in. "Hi, hope."

"Oh, hey Ryan?" I say shocked "what's up?"

"Nothing.. I just wanted to say I think what pan did was a really d*ck move." He avoided eye contact

"Don't let him hear you say that." I roll my eyes

"He doesn't scare me." He scoffed

I chuckle "he scares everyone, Ryan. After all he's Peter Pan."

Ryan shrugs and awkwardly says "well, I'll go now."

I smile "bye..."

Then the door shut


My stomach growls and churns which signals to me that it's dinner time.

I walk into the 'dining room' which really was a room with a table and a few unstable chairs that the boys had made.

"Hope! You're here, sit with me!" Dylan calls over.

I make my way to the boy and sit with him. Dylan starts playing with my hair and giggling when it tickles his hand.

A while later Pan shows up and sits at the head of the table. The lost boy stares at me a moment before saying, "why are you here?"

I furrow my eyebrows at the boy and say "erm...because it's dinner time and I'm hungry."

"You're not getting lunch or dinner today or tomorrow."

"What? Why?" I exclaim

He laughs "you really think I'll feed you after you lied to my face and tried to leave the island?"

I look at my empty plate and sigh. I hastily get up and say "fine. I'll see you boys in the morning."

I storm into my hut and flop onto the bed. This would be a long two days.


The next morning the boys had went out hunting and wouldn't be back for hours. I was to prepare dinner and clean the camp.

I made my way around the camp, picking up stray bowls and putting them away. I tidied in hope that pan would give me food. The boys were a messy bunch.

Before I started cooking I decided to rest for a while. As I walk into the centre of the camp I examine the different huts and how there was one that was bigger and more secure looking; probably Peters hut.

Curiosity overtook me and I walked towards the hut. The door was made from the same material as the others but didn't have that little window at the top. He wanted privacy. Of course.

I gently open the door and peer into the wooden structure. It had a single bed and a large chest inside as well as the shelves on the walls that were covered in many things. But, no bean.

The room smelt of moss which didn't surprise me considering that he spends most of his time in a forest, it looked like it had been cleaned that very moment, the bed was made, the floor was clear and the shelves were in order.

I looked to the left of his bed, there was a small dresser with a glass box on top of it. I look closer and notice that inside the box is a ring. A beautiful pink diamond that shone when the light hit it. I lift the box and inspect the fine piece of jewellery inside.

All of a sudden I hear footsteps come into the hut. "What do you think you're doing?!" Pan yells at me

I set the box back hastily "Peter! I-I erm...."

He walked over to me and snarled. "Get out."

"Pan i-" I begin

He points to the door and yells "out, now!!!"

I hurry out the door, far away from the angry boy.


Hope • Peter Pan {OUAT}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ