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Michael sighed closing the locker, "Come on, we're going to class." He forced his elbow into my hand, "It's seriously nothing." Michael noticed I wasn't leaving, grabbing my hand, "We're going."

I didn't want to, I didn't want him to face the torment of the other students alone. Sure, I was friends with Rich now, but still, people liked to fuck with us. Maybe Rich wasn't threatening anymore.

Speak of the devil, "Hey, Michael, what was that on your guys locker?"

Michael was quick to reply, "Nothing."

I could hear Rich's confusion at the lie, I could remember his face. Hell, I could paint it in the empty canvas my brain offered. The hair. The eyes. That smile. Although I really only got a good look when he was in the hospital. "Michael, you should tell Jeremy or I will, you can't keep shit from him."

"Yeah!" I spoke up, though it was more of a harmless chirp, "Just because of my disability you can't do this! You can't protect me for forever!" I tried to pull my arm away, before deciding against it. I wasn't keeping track of where I was going. I breakaway and I'm lost.

Michael sighed, sounding defeated, "After school, alright?" There was a slight smile in his voice, that sort of hurt smile that was begging for something else, something that wouldn't result in him having to repeat whatever was on our locker. It was almost enough to make me go back on my choice.

"Good, he deserves to know." Rich huffed. It's crazy he used to be my main bully. Now he defends me on every topic. On every little thing when there was no one behind me. It was crazy. Some may say people don't change, but because of Rich I believe that saying to be false. Just a stupid lie.

I moved my hand from Michael's hand to his elbow, holding it tightly. "I know, I just hate seeing him hurt." Michael mumbled, resting his other hand on top of mine, "I just want to keep him safe, y'know?"

Rich hummed, "That's pretty gay, anyway, ciao." I heard him walk off,  most likely to either his first class or the bathroom to meet up with Jake. Everyone knew not to go in the mens bathroom during first hour.

Michael laughed a little, I could see his smile, I never did see him smile much when I could see, but I have memories. They haunted me, holding what I wanted just out of reach. All it required was a few hundred dollars, Mtn Dew, and the loss of my greatest friend. The choice is hard, I wish I could just split it halfway. Half my vision and lose only half of Michael. Okay, even that sucks, but still.

Michael lead me to our class, leading me to my chair and sitting down. My aide eventually showed up, but I hardly relied on her, she mostly brought me my keyboard. Michael on the other hand actually helped. Sure he wouldn't take me out to the hallway and read the chapters to my like my aide would because we don't have braille textbooks, but he lead me to classes and didn't change every other period. He also didn't have a walkie talkie that constantly called him down to other rooms to be extra back up for other special ed students. Hell, I hardly knew anything about my aide besides she was kind of grumpy.

Michael scooted his chair closer to mine, today was a partner read day. We played a game where Michael would read half a sentence and I'd guess the rest, sure it wasted time but that's just what we do.

We went about all of our classes the same way as we always had and always would. Then he dragged me into his dorky P.T. Cruiser, he sighed at this.

"Micha, you've got to tell me now, what was on our locker?"

He let out a sigh, giving my hand a gentle squeeze as he started the car, "Some vulgar words I don't want to repeat about my mums and us. Some stuff about your mum. Some stuff about me being adopted. It was a nice list, numbered with all their points, it was really organized," Michaels voice was wavering, daring to break into tears at any moment, "It was like, an essay, and- and-"

I cut him off, "Micha, I get it, it's alright, shh." I said softly, squeezing his hand gently, I felt a smile on my lips, soft and gentle, "They don't know us, that being said, they can't define us or what should or shouldn't happen."

Michael paused, "There was also a swastika, so I me-"

Oh, that got me going, " A what? A fucking what?! Nope, this bitch is going down, I'm going to make a huge ass fucking swastika and shove it up their ass. Right fucking up there and they are going to deal with it, you don't just joke about mass genocide like that shit-"

"Jeremy you're not shoving a large swastika up anyone's ass, you're coming home with me." He laughed a little, trying to lighten the mood.

"I don't know, I mean, maybe you want a large swastika shoved up your ass, as your bestest friend i would love the honors of doing that." I smiled a little, laughing at whatever the fuck I just said. Michael had a monopoly over my emotions, it wasn't fair, like the flip of a switch I was happy again.

"Hmm, yes, I think that would be a brilliant idea, lets go to my house, make a large swastika and you can shove it up my ass, like friends do, no homo." Michael laughed, driving now. He was still holding onto my hand, there wasn't anything to reassure me of anymore, so why bother? Whatever, it was comforting and hey, it's the closest I'll ever get to dating him.

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