The Quarrel

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"Come inside. Let me show you my home.", she said holding his hand just as he was about the turn on the key once again. He changed his mind and walked with him. It was a brick red block shaped house complete with a neatly cut green lawn where a swing swung to and fro indicating someone else's presence. Ruffer was at his noisiest best. Two lamps lit up the area in front of the entrance door on which she knocked. It was opened by a lady wearing a green gown. She must have been at least in her late thirties going by the few wrinkles that had dotted her otherwise bright face with spectacles attached to a thread strap going above her ears. Her black lined eye brows converged right in the middle of her forehead upon seeing Lok as she stared at him for a while. It must be her step mother - he thought.
" He is Lok, my classmate. He dropped me here. Was thirsty. So, brought him in. Now don't stare at him like that." She looked at her with a frown. His guess had been thus validated. She walked away, muttering to herself angrily. Shortly after a maid brought in a glass of water.
"So...this is where I live. Sorry for that awkward expression that lady gave. Never mind."

"Her name ?"

"Janki, my step mother. You remember I told you once. " He gulped water and just as he kept the glass on the table. The lady returned with that stare still hung on her face. She asked,

"What is your name ?"

"Loknath, Sneha's friend. Nice to meet you." His smile was met with nothing but a stubborn expression that was understandable to him having known her story. She turned to Sneha and continued, " How come Loknath had to drop you today at home?"

"Why? Can't he do that ? Had my classes till late and so missed the college bus. Any problem ?" Lok gestured her to stop but it seemed she had pulled the detonator of the grenade and launced it into the air.

"How dare you talk to me like that, you little girl?"

"Why who are you, Janki Dey ?"

"You are challenging me in my home? How dare you do that ?"

"Your house ? This house belongs to my mother and not you!"

"Let your father come and then we will see what belongs to whom!" The lady rushed away inside, fuming in anger.

"Sneha, you shouldn't have said like that."

"Lok, you hardly know anything. As one sows, so shall one reaps. She hasn't been kind to me ever. I think it must be time for you to leave. Tomorrow, when are the classes beginning ?"

"At ten with TOM"

"Okay, see you then. Good night", she said with a crease of worry still running across her forehead. She stood like a sailor on a sinking Titanic while he looked at her from a distance. The pain of losing mother mixed with anger was an explosive mixture, that he figured out, often explained her capricious behaviour. A moment of loud laughter would quickly turn into sober quietude in a minute at a flash. Her dreamy eyes often seemed to search her share of joy that she missed in her troubled childhood. His attention seemed her priciest possession that she seemed never to squander away even for a minute. He enjoyed that too. Who wouldn't, anyways ? Calling it love would have been a blasphemy in the eyes of his family . So, he had learnt to keep this a secret from them, tactfully. That day when they asked questions about his whereabouts, he said it was the lengthy assignments that he was working on in his friend's house. Each time he found a reason and he was enjoying it. Pre-final year was nearing its end and getting a good job had begun hovering on everyone's mind as much as it was in his mind. A good job would have eased the financial burden of Das' and also ensured that they get a suitable bride for him, blissfully unaware of the choice their son had subconsciously made. The idea of finding love outside the known circle of acquaintances was alien to them. After all, who could trust a broom stick newly bought from the market -  whether it would stand the test of time or break down  immediately? Lok was aware of it. Lying on the bed, he closed his eyes and tried to visualize his parents' reaction on seeing Sneha. Would they be happy or more shocked ? Would they stand by his decision or drive him away for being an outlaw? On the other hand, would Sneha be able to muster enough courage to walk beside him to here? The words she had told to her step mother thundered in his mind. Will her family ever allow her to cross the line and come to him ? She had been fighting her own battle since childhood. A part of him reached out to her in consolation while another stepped back and just observed her. He changed sides, yet the thoughts refused to leave him, nevertheless.

Should I or should I not ? It is only a year left and then I will tell her what I think about her. But then what about those delightful glances ? Would they be unanswered till then ? No, Loknath no ! Remember, what Tapan said today. If you don't say it, no one knows it.Put one hand forward and then take time to put the other. But what about my studies? What if I lose focus off my studies and end up with a dark future...

A conclusion seemed elusive while slumber got better of him. Certain things have a way to fall in place and you can't force them. Just imagine if you were to force a caterpillar to become butterfly in an hour, what would that lead to? The holy grail of dilemma was slowly chiseling him to fit into the ways of the world. He was determined to make it happen but for a fear...

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