Chapter 3- Broken

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Roy Swinton was what you called a people pleaser. Ever since he was a little boy, he always loved pleasing people. Whether it was a magic trick for his family or encouragement for a friend who was getting bullied, Roy loved to make people feel better. He always loved that feeling of being important in someone's day. Roy was also very polite and nice and didn't like to stick his nose in other people's business. He left people alone for the most part, but when someone needed him, he was there.

He was reliable and he knew it too. People always came to talk to him about their problems because he was such a nice guy. Over the years, it had gotten a bit annoying, but he was aware that his personality set him up for this. However, no matter how annoying it got over the years, Roy could never turn his back on others. It just wasn't who he was. He always had a positive outlook on the world and life and lived it to the fullest. This place, however, provided a challenge for Roy.

He had just witnessed a girl get tased just for asking a question and this made him feel very nervous. Nonetheless, he tried to keep calm in his situation. His roommate, Jonathan Crow, was not. Jonathan Crow was in some ways a polar opposite to Roy, but that's what made them good friends. Jonathan Crow was insecure, Roy believed everything was secure even when it wasn't. That is the one thing that pissed Jonathan off more than anything about Roy. Jonathan was pacing very quickly through the kitchen peering out the window every few seconds. He was no longer numb to the bone but he was uptight and nervous.

"What are you doing? You've been pacing like that for 15 minutes. Come finish lunch so we can look over these rules and guidelines," coaxed Roy.

"No thanks," retorted Jon, "I'm looking for a way out of here. An escape route."

"Give up already. There's security everywhere. Look, we are here to stay. Just take a deep breath and relax."

"I can't relax. That girl was tased right before our eyes. I'm not gonna wait for it to happen to me."

"If you behave Jonathan, I'm sure you'll be fine. Nothing is going to happen to us. We are just gonna be here for a while participating in this experiment." Jonathan rolled his eyes and turned towards him, seething with anger.

"You see, that's the problem. We don't even know what the hell this experiment is for!" Jonathan began to raise his voice and as he finished his sentence, he walked over to the table, picked up his plate, and threw it against the wall.

"They took us for no good reason! You're going to participate in an experiment my ass! We are all going to die here. They are lying to us, every one of them! An experiment, huh, we don't even know what it is! That's why I need to get out of here and get some damn answers!" Roy now stood slowly from his chair at the round table with awe. Roy was troubled and mystified by the boy's actions. He knew he had to help him.

"Jonathan, look at me. Your answers are coming. Have a little faith. I believe that these people will not hurt us if we behave. I know that there is the possibility that we might die, but we need to be strong." Jonathan, shivering with anger began to lose it.

"Don't you get it, they are lying to us! There will be no damn answers and that's why I need to get them myself. I don't have any faith and neither should you! This place is hell! Even if we behave, they will still kill us. Especially the no good believers like you! You are weak! They want you to believe! They will kill you first you son of a bitch! Don't try to make me believe with you!"

This is what Jonathan had wanted to say. He didn't even make to the "They want you to believe" part before a fist came flying across his face. Jonathan spun backward and smashed his face into the kitchen counter before landing with a loud thud on the tile floor. Roy stood in anger above him. Anger filled his veins, giving him a new energy he had never run off of before. Roy had lost it. Tears were streaming down his face. Roy snatched an area of Jonathan's hair and pulled his face close to his. Jon's face was smeared with crimson blood.

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