Thursday pt 2

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I headed to lunch after a horrible lesson with Snape. It appeared that he was angry with something else but decided to take it out on us anyway.

I sat with the Gryffindors. Most of them were welcoming and thankful that a Ravenclaw is their friend others were less welcoming like Ron, but I didnt care. After a lovely lunch and long discussions about Quidditch we headed for our lessons. I headed to the flying lesson.

We all stood in rows, Ravenclaw one side and Hufflepuffs the other side. Soon madam hooch arrived and instructed us to say the words "up"


My broom flew up into my hand, after a couple tries, and soon everybody had their broom. We all mounted, as per Madame hooches instructions, then without warning a Hufflepuff girl just flew up, she zoomed about, completely out of control.

Without hesitation I flew up and quickly grabbed her robes, dragged her onto my broom and flew down.

"I got detention for a week"

"Well, you did go against Madame hooches instructions."

"Do you actually agree with me that was wrong?"

"I'm sorry Y/N. Of course I agree."

"Good" I shot her a smile. She returned it.

I felt sorry for anyone who didn't have the gift of friendship. It really is man's greatest treasure along with wit.

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