The beginning of Year 2

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The summer holidays was full of excitement, having Hermione and Ron stay around for the weekend, Harry wanted to make it but he wasn't available or so he said, which was enjoyable, despite the amount of flak Ron gave me, to visiting Diagon Alley or specifically Florian Fortescue's for my birthday.

My birthday brought many gifts, a new cage for Seba, who I had mildly ignored as we neared the end of the previous year resulting in showering him with attention and treats over the summer, several books to help advance my training and plenty of sweet treats.

Soon, however, an owl arrived at my window, tapping away like last year.

"I've got my letter from Hogwarts."

"That's lovely dear, what does it say?"

"To Mr Y/N L/N" I began to read, "Blah blah blah, Hogwarts blah blah blah. Ooh Books! Standard book of spells Grade two by Miranda Goshawk and what's that 6 no 7 books by a guy named Gilderoy Lockhart. Who in the name of Merlin is Lockhart!?"

"Gilderoy Lockhart is a brainless idiot, more obsessed with his good looks and charm than the wellbeing of anyone else and I doubt the teacher is going to be using those books for anything more than pointing out how not to act." My father replied.

"Well, I wouldn't say obsessed, more concerned" My mother was quick to add.

"I would say obsessed. Anyway, maybe you should write to Hermione and ask if she wants to meet at Diagon Alley."

"Yeah, I'll do that." I replied.

Rushing to my room I formulated a quick letter and scribbled it onto some parchment. I released Seba and attached the letter to his foot. I sent him on his way and headed back downstairs for lunch. A few days later I received a reply.

Dear Y/N,

That sounds like a great idea, I've written to the Weasleys, I think Harry's there too, and have invited them also. "Why is Harry at the Weasleys?" I thought aloud, "I'll find out on Wednesday." I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, Love from Hermione.

Wednesday couldn't come soon enough, I've enjoyed the summer, but I missed my friends more. Soon the fateful day came, and I lined up in the fireplace with my parents.

I threw the floo powder at my feet and firmly said "Diagon Alley." I then shot out in the leaky cauldron and once my parents joined me we went straight to Gringotts.

"Hey, Hermione!" I shouted out.


After exchanging pleasantries, Hermione spotted Hagrid and Harry.

"Are you coming into Gringotts Harry?" Hermione asked.

"Just as soon as I've found the Weasleys."

No sooner as the words left his lips Hagrid spotted the Weasleys sprinting towards us. After more pleasantries had been exchanged and many sighs of relief were released, mainly by Mrs Weasley, I we headed into Gringotts. Soon after our vaults had been emptied slightly, and out pockets weighted, we decided to separate, and meet at Flourish and Blotts in an hour.

We went from shop to shop down the high street, but obviously we had our priorities set straight ( we got an ice cream first) but following that we went to Quality Quidditch Supplies, then to Scribbulus Writing Implements, next we visited Gambol and Japes Wizarding Joke Shop, where we bumped into Lee Jordan and the Weasley Twins and finally we spotted Percy in a small second hand shop. We then headed to Flourish and Blotts, where there was an extremely long line.

"What on earth is this all about?" I commented and then read the large banner over the door. "Gilderoy Lockhart, signing copies of his autobiography."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2021 ⏰

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