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"What's going on?" I asked, my voice rising above the murmur echoing around the common room.

"Flying lessons start this afternoon,
y/n!" Replied Padma.

"Who with?"


I was slightly disappointed that we weren't with the Gryffindors but I felt sorry for them as they would be with the Slytherins.

"I remember my first flying lesson" came a snobbish voice from the back.
"I had never felt more alive"

"Oh. Shut up Roger."

I then proceeded down to breakfast.
I was halfway through my toast when mail arrived. Seba swooped down, carrying a package proudly in his beak. I opened it to find a letter with several books. The letter said:

I've spoken to Professor Dumbledore and he has granted you permission to train to become an animagus on school grounds. Enclosed are the necessary books and if you need any more assistance you can see professor McGonagall because, as you may know, she is also an animagus.

Good luck,
From dad.
P.s. don't tell anyone. Or your permission will be revoked.

I couldn't believe my luck. An animagus, I've been begging my dad to get me to do it for years! I suppose he believed I was responsible enough now.

I did some quick mathematics and figured that if I started now I could be finished by next year!

There is a legend that every successful Ravenclaw animagus could turn into many animals. If I'm lucky this will be true.

I see a small argument from the Gryffindor table. But only catch the odd word like "remembrall" and "just looking" but before I know it everyone's leaving for lessons. I head to transfiguration with the Hufflepuffs and make sure to get a seat by the window.

I look down to see several people commanding brooms to their hands I don't even acknowledge that Professor McGonagall is standing in front of me.

"Hem hem" I hear her announce.
"Oh. Sorry professor."
"I should take points from you, however I won't if you can make this match become a needle."

Taking out my wand I swish. Muttering, "Compositus Verto.". "Well done y/n! No point deductions but no point rewards"

I can tell this morning is going to drag.

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