Chapter 2 - Car Ride

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I stared at the door as we approached it. It occurred to me that the door led to the outside, and that outside meant freedom from this place. But what did this "freedom" even mean? I realized that I didn't know where we were going, what the auction was all about, or who these people were. All I knew was that I wanted to run. Ravi appeared on my left as we got closer and closer to the door. But the closer we got, the more scared I became. What would I do? Would I bolt? Could I outrun them? I decided that I'd find out once the door opened. N slowed his steps and reached for the handle.

Chapter 2

Placing his hand on the door handle, N stopped and looked back at me. His dark eyes watched me for a moment as I avoided his gaze, then he turned to Hongbin, who was behind my right shoulder, and tilted his head. My nerves were on fire as they looked at each other, as if having some secret conversation. Hongbin stepped around me and turned to look me in the eyes. I found it extremely difficult to look away.

Suddenly, the feeling of security that had tempted me earlier came back at full force, even stronger this time. I couldn't help but accept it, and as soon as I did, my escape plan was forgotten and my thoughts were hazy. I noticed the sound of the door creaking open and the bright sunlight, the feeling of a hand on my back, ushering me forward gently. I felt gravel on my bare feet as I looked at the cloudless sky. My only thought was how warm everything was, how nice it felt to be outside. It had been so long since I was outside during the day.

The next thing I knew was the slamming of a door, the light being blocked suddenly by tinted windows. The feeling of security slowly faded as I heard a small click at the door beside me. I looked around and my mind shook from the grip of the hazy sensation. I was in a very long vehicle with two rows of black seats on the walls instead of across the middle like I had seen in pictures. The six men sat upon them, looking at me, three on one side, and three on the other to the right of me. I looked around confused. What had just happened? Ken, who sat to my right, a bit too closely, was the first to speak.

"I'm glad you decided to cooperate," he grinned cutely. I didn't know what to think of his comment, but it occurred to me that, despite the fact that I had no idea what had come over me, if they thought I had been cooperative it would be easier to escape later. And maybe I was being too rash in my decisions. Maybe whatever was going to happen wouldn't be all that bad. It would certainly be better than what I had been going through for the past... since I could remember. I nodded in reply and looked at my hands, feeling the road roll beneath the car. I noticed that we were moving quickly, and I was suddenly curious as to what it would look like outside. The only window was the one on the door to my left, and I had to turn my body away from the rest of the passengers to look through it. The tint darkened the landscape as it rushed by, and I was amazed by how fast it seemed to move. I hadn't been in a car before, but a glance at the door beneath the window told me that it was locked from the outside - I couldn't even see a handle.

The men chattered amongst themselves about things like sports, which I somewhat understood from listening to the Carers, and things involving money and something called "stocks", which just confused me. I blocked out their voices and watched the scenery pass for a while. There were tall, blurred trees and blurred patches of small white flowers. It took a few tries for me to be able to train my eyes on things as they passed.

"Stop," a soft voice stood out above the others. The vehicle slowed. I turned towards the group to see Leo get up from his seat across the car and walk at a stoop over to the door next to me, holding the kitten/jacket bundle in his hands. He deposited the bundle onto my lap as the driver opened the door. Leo exited the car quickly, and the door closed.

"Wow, he trusts you with that," Hyuk commented admiringly from the other side of Ken. I sat there, a bit surprised by Leo's sudden action, looking at the kitten as the others went back to chatting. I'd never seen a live one before. Poking its head out of the jacket, the young cat opened its mouth to cry but no sound came out. I wonder if he'd be mad if I touched it, I thought, glancing out the window. There he stood at the tree line, turned away from the car with his head tilted up, as if sniffing the breeze. What's he doing?

"He does that sometimes; I think he sme-... saw an animal," N explained, noticing, and adding to, my confusion.

"And I think he'd be okay with you petting it. After all, he left it with you," he added, motioning to the tiny feline on my lap. I turned back to the kitten and reached out a hand to do just that. The kitten looked so cute and soft with its shiny brown fur and tiny little ears. I had just barely touched a finger to it when the opening of the door had me snatching my hand away. Leo climbed into the car, shut the door and looked at me, then at Ken, then at me. He motioned for Ken to move, and Ken scurried away to the seat next to N, where Leo sat at the beginning of the ride. Now Leo plopped himself down next to me, and pulled the bundle from my lap to his. He stared at me, and I stared at the kitten. Then he leaned towards me quickly, brushing his nose against the top of my ear. I turned towards him in surprise and he backed off, looking slightly surprised himself. Okay, I know I wasn't offered the best hygiene at that place but that's a bit unnecessary...

Actually, everyone seemed a bit surprised by Leo's actions. He turned towards the group, which had stopped chatting to look at us.


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