Chapter Twenty-Four

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Since the day had been going so good, I wasn't that surprised when our van suddenly stopped moving on the way home. Melissa muttered something, turning around to give Oliver an annoyed look. "Did you put gas in the car like you were supposed to?"

"Nope," he responded casually. "I figured someone else would do it."

"Why didn't you tell me before we took it today?" she demanded.

"Why didn't you stop to get gas before we picked everyone up?"

Melissa gave him a flat look. "Because you were supposed to yesterday!"

"Why didn't you just check the gauge?" Zak chipped in, looking confused.

"It's broken," Melissa responded with a sigh.

I frowned slightly. "Now what?"

"We wait for someone to bring us gas," Melissa responded, sounding depressed. "Where are we?"

She looked out the window, and I followed her gaze, realizing with a shock that we had broken down right in front of a cemetery. Not just any cemetery though— the cemetery where my parents were buried. My breath caught in my throat as I stared though the foggy window of the van at the snowy graveyard before me.

"Whoa," Zak commented, turning to look out the window too. "We ran out of gas in front of a cemetery? Weird. Let's go explore!"

"I wanna come!" Elliot cried, turning to give me a pleading look. "Pig, can I go with him?"

I blinked when I realized he was talking to me. "Um, sure...?"

Without another second's hesitation, Zak unsnapped his seatbelt and hopped out of the car with Elliot. Tucker followed quickly, as well as Melissa. Arden turned frowning at me for a second, looking worried.

"Harley, is this...?"

"Where my parents are buried?" I finished for him, dropping my gaze. "Yeah."

"Well," Arden started, clapping his hands together. "I do believe I'll go pay my respects to them then."

I stared at him in bewilderment. "What?"

Arden cocked his head to the side. "You know. I'll go introduce myself to them and stuff."


Arden cocked an eyebrow. "You're one of my closest friends, that's why. I want to meet your parents."

My mouth dried at Arden's words. He wanted to meet my parents? I couldn't help but to smile at him. "You're weird."

Arden grinned back. "Come on, let's go."

My smile dropped. "Oh, I don't know if I want to go..."

"Why not?"

"I just... I..."

"Go," Oliver ordered, pushing my shoulder. "I'm coming too. Let's all go visit them."

I gave Oliver a questioning look. Why was he so pushy? He pushed on my shoulder again and I resigned, scooting to the middle of the van. Arden opened the door and hopped out, helping me onto the frozen ground after him. Oliver jumped down after me, shutting the door behind him. I pulled my jacket tighter around me as a gust of chilly wind nipped at me. It blew my hair into my face, momentarily blocking my vision of the graveyard. When I managed to push it away, the black iron gates and grey headstones came back into vision, looming ominously.


I glanced at Arden briefly before refocusing on the cemetery. An odd feeling washed over me— sort of like a mix of fear, excitement, and sorrow. It made me feel a little sick. Did I want to go visit their grave right now? After having so much fun?

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